標題: 新竹科學園區轉運站與多目標空間指標建構及發展優勢
Construction and Development Advantages of the Bus Station and Compound Public Spaces of the Hsinchu Science Park
作者: 柯佩伶
Ko, Pei-Lin
Yuan, Benjamin J.C.
關鍵字: 新竹科學園區、轉運站、德爾菲法、層級程序分析法;Hsinchu Science Park, bus station, Delphi Method, Analytical Hierarchy Process
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 本研究透由修正式德爾菲法(Modified Delphi Method)建構新竹科學園區轉運站與多目標空間的評估準則,及層級程序分析法(Analytical Hierarchy Process)求得相關評估準則之相互影響權重值,系統性的建立客觀的新竹科學園區轉運站與多目標空間的發展優勢。研究發現新竹科學園區轉運站與多目標空間之發展優勢指標依序為設置適當的交通轉運空間與車位、整合各種大眾運輸工具、大量使用大眾運輸交通工具、推動智慧化運輸、推動與提升綠色運具之使用比率、舒適便捷與安全轉乘接駁的服務與空間、持續性的觀察與監督服務品質、轉運站取得綠建築標章、提供購物及商業之複合空間、轉運站取得智慧建築標章、利用乘客等待的時間提供各種休閒及資訊服務、展現園區在地的高科技產業發展成果、新竹科學園區門戶意象的建立、人文與藝術創意之融入及表達城市的內在價值。 藉由本研究指標建構及發展優勢的建議,可以提供政策執行者客觀且具量化數據分析的決策參考依據,期待以新竹科學園區轉運站使科學園區成為全島便捷交通網之一環,成為泛亞一日生活圈的新科技重鎮,以新竹科學園區為高科技產業發展中心,放眼世界,鏈結全球市場。
The Hsinchu Science Park has played a crucial role in the history of the development of Taiwan’s high-tech industry. Likewise, the establishment of the Bus Station for the Hsinchu Science Park has helped accelerate the use of the land, solve the issue of the availability of limited land, and entice city-dwelling tech workers, businessmen, and visitors to use this major transit hub for commuter routes, as well as for long-distance intercity routes. The Bus Station affiliates with their compound public spaces now offer people a brand-new point of view of the Hsinchu Science Park and the one-day living circle in Asia is beginning to take shape. Research methods are based on the literature review of the bus terminal, open spaces and compound public spaces, and on the Modified Delphi Method and Analytical Hierarchy Process to assess the criteria and priorities of the Bus Station for the Hsinchu Science Park and its compound public spaces. The results show experts have concluded these are the priorities of assessment criteria : to set up an adequate storage depot on a transportation route with sufficient parking spaces; to integrate with transportation systems; to promote the use of mass transportation and intelligent transport systems and green modes; to provide comfortable, friendly, safe and reliable spaces and services; to build up a sustainable monitoring system; to authorize green building certificates; to supply a shopping and commercial center; to authorize intelligent building certificates; to offer more tourist information; to showcase the commercialization of high technology; to create a Hsinchu Science Park landmark; to nurture public art; and to showcase Hsinchu City.


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