標題: 以WTA法分析因交通事故致死之人命價值
Estimate the value of life for death in traffic accidents by WTA Approach
作者: 邱沛俊
chiou, pey-jiunn
Shang-Hsing Hsieh
關鍵字: 交通事故;人命價值;願付金額法;願受金額法;traffic accident;value of life;Willing to pay;Willing to accept
公開日期: 1996
摘要: 有關人命的價值研究的文獻,最初是以人力資本法來做研究,而前大 多數的研究方法都是以經濟學上WTP ( willing to pay )法為主。而這些 文獻中所謂的WTP是利用人們為了降低風險發生的機率,願意支付多少的金 錢來購買保險或安全設備。其意義和本文所提的 WTP在意義上並不相同 ,本文將WTP的概念應用在交通事故的賠償上,所指的是肇事者願意賠償受 害人或及其家屬最高的賠償金額,以求和解免除民事責任。但是,吾人認為 站在受害人的立場,其人命的價值很容易被肇事者低估了,是一個不合理的 現象 ,因此, 本文嘗試以受害人立場應用WTA法作為另一種詮釋人命價值 的方法。在理論部份,本文依據WTA法的理論,假設交通事故發生,受害人在 沒有過失的情形下,於24小時內送醫不治致死,肇事者應負完全的之責任。 其過程可分為兩個狀態,狀態一.沒有事故發生;狀態二 .發生交通事故,且 造成受害人死亡。狀態二在細分為兩個子狀態1.為肇事者應負過失致人於 死的責任子狀態 2.為達成和解,肇事者免除民事責任。而本研究的重心在 於由狀態一進入狀態二再到子狀態1.2的探討,也就是站在受害者立場,假 設其遭受交通事故致死,其家屬願意最低接受多的金錢補償以放棄追訴的 權利及認為人命的價值所應該包含的項目有哪些? 在實證結果方面,本研 究是以問卷的方式調查一般民眾對生命價值的看法,大多數的人認為生命 是無價的 ,且不因個人社經條件而有所影響。在假設發生交通事故的狀態 之下, 肇事者願意賠償的最高金額約為新臺幣245萬元 , 而受害人願意接 受賠償以和解放棄追訴的權利的最低金額約為321萬元。很顯然的,以肇事 者立場來評估受害人的生命價值是會產生低估的現象 ,有不合理的事實。 在肇事者願意賠償的項目當中,以緊急救護醫療成本、喪葬費用成本、 精 神或傷痛損失成本為前三名,由此結果得知,不管是肇事者或是受害者家屬 皆以賠的起的原則來考量賠償項目及金錢,但仍會存在少許的差異。基本 上,由交通的賠償金額來評估人命價值,除可讓民眾了解評估人命價值合理 的應包含的項目以及相當的金錢價值;更可提供評估一個交通工程建設或 安全宣導的計畫的效率方法,值得深入研究。 My paper discuss the value of life based on the WTP theory ,which is howeveran indirect way in estimating human lifes.This paper attempt to use WTA approachto analyze the value of life for death in traffic accidents from the standpoint of assumed the victims.Based on the theory of WTA,we try to find out the indemnity and the compensation items which the victims are willing to accept at leastto settle out of court with the convict after the accident.This paper contains teo main parts. One is theoretical research ,the other aspect is practical application.In theory,at first it use the compensating variation and the equivalent variation from economics as measurable variables to analyze the status assumed.By discussing the status ,we define our topic and analyze the value of life .In practical application,this research investigate people's opinion for the value of life by an face-to-face interview.The result show that most people regard life as valueless and almostcan notbe influenced by different social-economic charactetristic .Under the statusthat the victim is assumed dead in the traffic accident,the convict is willing to pay 2.45 million NT dollars at most to settle out of court with the victim avoiding the responsibility .The compensation which the victim is willing to accept is about 3.21 million NT dollars.Obviously.the value of life is underestimated.In the compensating items,the first crucial items are urgent medical cost,funeral cost and property damage cost. The study provides people to realize how to evaluate the value of life reasonable and what compensating items are included.Besides,it also can provide the concerned department the information and the method to evaluate the benefitsof a traffic construction or a traffic safety plan .
Appears in Collections:Thesis