Title: | 電子購物與傳統購物運銷成本之研究 The Study of Logistic Cost on Teleshopping and Storeshopping |
Authors: | 潘建民 Pan, Chien-Min 許巧鶯 運輸與物流管理學系 |
Keywords: | 電子購物;傳統購物;運銷成本;teleshoppiog;storeshopping;logistic cost |
Issue Date: | 1996 |
Abstract: | 電腦與通信技術的蓬勃發展伴隨著通訊網路的投資建設,對企業直接 造成革命性的影響,其中又以網際網路(Internet)上之電子購物最受各界 矚目,目前政府單位與業界均看好電子購物未來的商機與發展,但由於電 子購物行銷方式目前尚屬於萌芽階段,一般企業初期的投入之規模不大, 以及外在客觀環境條件尚未完全成熟之際,市場需求量不高。因此對企業 而言,新興的電子購物與傳統購物兩種通路下不同配送方式在平均運銷成 本的比較遂成一個值得研究的課題。 本研究以解析性的方法分析企業 在電子購物與傳統購物兩種運銷通路下之運作方式,並探討在這兩種運銷 通路下之各種配送型態包括自有車隊直接配送、自有車隊一次轉運和與物 流業者合作採共同配送三種方式之運輸成本、存貨成本、運銷設施營運成 本和訂貨週期時間的差異,分別建立企業在兩種運銷通路下不同配送方式 之平均運銷成本函數,以追求平均運銷成本最小為目標,考慮運輸車輛容 量與訂貨週期時間限制,建立數學規劃模式,藉以求算企業在現行外在供 給條件、配送週期與配送規模最適安排結果下,兩種通路不同配送方式之 最小平均運銷成本,以作為企業通路與配送方式選擇之參考,並以國內某 知名廠牌之電腦為對象進行數值分析,繼而對總服務市場範圍與市場需求 量兩個主要參數進行敏感度分析。 根據本研究的結果顯示在相同配送 方式下,電子購物與傳統購物運輸成本比較上,由於電子購物最終運送點 為消費者,在平均每一消費者購買量不大的情況下,故電子購物之運輸成 本均較傳統購物為高。在存貨成本的比較上,由於電子購物需在約定的時 間內將商品送達消費者手裡,故商品在整個運送週期中所耗費的時間較傳 統購物為短,使得存貨成本較低。企業在兩種通路的比較上,電子購物方 式經由數值分析的結果發現電子購物方式確有其利基所在,但礙於目前電 子購物大環境尚未建立完全,在需求量不大的情況下,業者投入不足,且 其商品配送多傾向透過郵局、貨運行或快遞等寄送服務,待未來電子購物 商機完全浮現之際,可建立自有車隊或共同配送以期能掌握物流配送之主 導權,進而提高服務水準並降低運銷成本。 The dramatic development of internet and its numerous application has resultedin significant impacts on business operation pattern. Teleshopping on internet is one of the most importation applications. However, the initial investment of enterprise is currently small due to teleshopping environment isnot mature, and consumer demand is very low. Nevertheless, how to compare theaverage logistic cost per item via teleshopping and storeshopping channels with different physical distribution types becomes an important issue.In this study, we analyze the operation structure of these two distribution channels with three physical distribution types including direct shipment, terminal shipment, and contract shipment. Logistic cost functions are formulated, respectively, according to the differences in transportation cost, inventory cost, logistic facilities' operation cost, and order cycle time between teleshopping and storeshopping. In order to achieve cost minimization and determine the optimal frequency and shipment sizes, nonlinear programming problems are formulated subject to constraints of vehicle capacity and order cycle time. Finally, a case study analyzing the physical distribution of one local firm's computer product is provided to illustrate the application of themodels. The models also provide the basis for performing numerical analyses to analyze the sensitivity of the optimal solution to changes in model parameters. The results of this study illustrate the average transportation cost of teleshopping is larger than that of storeshopping, while the average inventory cost of storeshopping is larger than that of teleshopping for the same physical distribution type. It appears that the teleshopping really has its advantage if comparing the average logistic cost of teleshopping shipping channels with that of storeshopping shipping channels. Due to the low demand,the common current shipping type is via mail. However, when the teleshopping demand grows up in the future, distributing products by construct private transportation fleet or joint logistics operation will become a promising choice. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/61553 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |