Title: 應用智慧卡整合台北都會區公車與大眾捷運系統票證整合之研究
Integrating Smartcards in to The Fare System in Buses and Rapid Transportation Systems in Taipei Metropolitan Area
Authors: 林麗珠
Lin, Li-Chu
Cheng-ch'uan Huang
Keywords: 智慧卡;票證整合;成本效益分析;smartcard;fare integration;benefit/cost analysis
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 應用智慧卡整合台北都會區公車與大眾捷運系統票證之研究研究生:林麗 珠 指導教授:黃承傳國立交通大學交通運輸研究 所摘要智慧卡在各方面的應用日趨廣泛,在運輸方面可應用於鐵路、公車 、捷運、計程車、停車、過路費等系統,為有效解決台北都會區公車與捷 運系統票證之問題,應用智慧卡整合台北市的公車及捷運系統票證,達到 「一卡通用」的目標為現階段應努力研究的課題。本研究之目的在探討世 界各國大眾運輸系統目前在自動電子票證系統方面的發展應用並檢討台北 都會區聯營公車與大眾捷運系統票證實施現況,分析票證整合系統所能達 成之功能效益及使用者、業者及政府管理者對票證整合功能的需求,探討 中介單位的成立方式,進而研擬評估應用智慧卡整合運輸票證系統之整合 方案。研究結果建議採非接觸式智慧卡以單一清算、多家發卡、多家銷售 之方式為最佳方案;就其成本效益而言聯營公車與大眾捷運票證系統整合 方案所產生之內生報酬率高於公車及捷運業者目前計算票價所引用之合理 投資報酬率,且換算每年產生之淨效益現值為正,顯示其為可行之投資方 案。關鍵字:智慧卡、票證整合、成本效益分析ii Integrating Smartcards in to The Fare System in BusesAnd Rapid Transportation Systems in TaipeiMetropolitan AreaStudent: Li-Chu Lin Advisor: Dr. Cheng-ch'uan HuangInstitute of Traffic and TransportationNational Chiao Tung UniversityABSIRACTThe application of smartcards is increasing. In transportation, we use it in systems including railroads, buses, MRT, Taxis, parking, tolls, etc. To solve the problem of fare system in buses and MRT systems in Taipei effectively, we integrate smartcards into the fare system. Therefore, the goal in this stage is to reach the point where "one single cards can need to get around in Taipei".The purpose of this study is to discuss the development and application in automatic electronic fare collection systems in MT systems all over the world, and examine the present fare system in buses and MRT systems in Taipei metropolitan area. Secondary, to analyze the effect of the fare integration system and the need of users, operators, and governmental managers. The establishment of appropriate type of organization is also discussed and evaluated. According to the result, the best alternative selling Center clearing center, multiple cards and selling units. According to the results of benefit/cost analysis, this alternative will provide IRR (internal rate of return) higher than the reasonable rate of return on investment used by the operators of buses and MRT systems. The present value of annual net benefit is positive which means this is a feasible solution.Keyword: smartcard, fare integration, benefit/cost analysisii
Appears in Collections:Thesis