Title: 非接觸式電子交通票證系統規劃之研究
The Study of Contactless Fare and Toll Collection System
Authors: 顧大君
Ku, Ta-chun
Lawrence W. Lan
Keywords: 非接觸式智慧卡;電子票證系統;電子收費系統;票證整合;成本效益分析;分析階層程序法;contactless smart card;automatic fare collection system;electronic toll collection system;cost/benefit evaluation method;AHP
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: 智慧卡在各方面之應用日趨普及,世界各國目前已廣泛使用於交通運輸的 電子票證系統與公路上的電子收費系統,為有效解決公車與捷運系統間票 證之問題,另結合高速公路電子收費系統,本研究採用非接觸式智慧卡來 整合不同運具間之票證系統與收費系統,以達到「一卡在手,通行無阻」 的目標。本研究首先探討目前世界各國應用電子票證系統之發展現況與應 用情形加以分析後,先就其成本效益加以分析得到,採用電子票證系統之 效益大於成本,顯示採用電子票證系統系可行之投資方案;再將電子交通 票證系統分成為四個次系統:中介單位次系統、運輸業者次系統、付款介 面次系統與消費市場次系統;針對各次系統間之相互關聯性、各次系統內 各選項(ELEMENT)組合的可能性加以探討分析,進而組成電子交通票證系 統之可行方案,利用分析階層程序法(Analytic Hierarchy Process)對於 方案評選,經由產官學界五十份問卷的調查結果,所選出的方案內容為: 中介單位內發卡、帳務與清算機構由不同單位所組成,以達到監督制衡、 風險分散等目的,而發卡家數為一家,轉乘補貼的經費來源分兩方面,一 為政府編列預算補貼,另一為預收票款之利得。本研究所分析出之成果, 可作為政府機關或民間企業在改進電子票證系統上相關政策研擬之參考。 Contactless smart card has been successfully used in fare and toll collection systems in many countries for years. However, the application of contactless smart card system is not yet utilized in Taiwan. To examine the alternatives and challenges of application of contactless smart card in Taiwan's fare and toll collection systems, this study is first to analyze the background and application of contactless smart card system by the cost/benefit evaluation method. Next, the study conducted detail analysis on each system and sub-system components. Several proposals for the application and integration of contactless smart card system under Taiwan's unique transportation environment are evaluated using Analytic Hierarchy Process Method (AHP). It concluded that the central parts of contactless smart card system are consisted by card issuing unit, auditing unit, and clearing unit. In order to minimize the operation risks and conflicts, there should be only one card issuing unit and different parties in charge of auditing and clearing functions.
Appears in Collections:Thesis