Title: 應用於低電壓無線通訊之高效率砷化鎵功率金屬半導體場效電晶體之研究
The Study of High Efficiency GaAs Power MESFET's for Low Voltage Wireless Communication
Authors: 莊坤蒼
Chuang, Kun-Cang
Chang Yi
Keywords: 砷化鎵;金屬半導體場效電晶體;高效率;低電壓;無線通訊;汲極與源極間之距離;GaAs;MESFET;High Efficiency;low voltage;wireless communication;drain-to-source spacing
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 本實驗係以縮短汲極與源極間之距離來製造應用於低電壓無線通訊之
高效率砷化鎵功率金屬半導體場效電晶體(Power MESFET)。文中詳述了各
個製程步驟的技術,並藉著精確的製程控制達成優良的元件特性。 在
mm尺寸的元件具有飽和電流密度245.5 mA而其1.9 GHz、2.0 V操作下
有0.2 W的最大輸出功率,此時的功率效益高達66.0 %。此外,本論文亦
極與源極距離(3 mm 與5 mm)的功率特性。證實較小的汲極與源極之距離
具有較佳之特性。 實驗的結果顯示以縮短汲極與源極間之距離來製造
A high efficiency GaAs power MESFET for low voltage
applications was developed in this research. The device is ideal
for the hand-held phone applications for next generation
wireless communication. The device was designed and processed
with reduced drain-to-source spacing. A simple method was also
used to simulate the device performance and fit the DC and RF
characteristics observed. The DC characteristics of the
MESFET were measured. The 0.7μm×3.36 mm device exhibited a
saturation current density of 245.5 mA/mm (at VGS= 0 V) with a
gate to drain breakdown voltage of 15 V. The maximum
transconductance of the device was 145 mS/mm and the pinch-off
voltage was -3.4 V. The knee voltage was 1.4 V and the effective
knee voltage was as low as 0.5 V. The microwave power
performance of the 0.7μm×3.36 mm device operating at 1.9 GHz
and 2.0 V drain voltage demonstrated a maximum output power of
0.2 W with a 66.0 % power-added efficiency (PAE). These
results indicate that the MESFET developed with reduced drain-
to-source spacing is very useful for next generation wireless
hand-held phone applications with low bias voltages.
Appears in Collections:Thesis