Title: 使用高能量氦、硼及氧離子佈植於砷化鎵/砷化鋁鎵/硼化鎵磊晶層結構之絕緣性質研究
The Study of High-Energy Implantation Lsolation in GaAs/AlGaAs/ GaAs Epi-Layers Using He+,B+and O+ ions
Authors: 張聲宇
Chang, Seng-Yu
Edward Y.Chang
Keywords: 離子佈植;砷化鎵;砷化鋁鎵;磊晶層;Implantation Isolation;GaAs;AlGaAs;Epi-Layers
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 本論文主題為研究藉由氧/氦、硼及氧離子多種能量離子 佈值於砷化
鎵/砷化鋁鎵磊晶結構中所造成高阻值電性 之研究。本論文結果顯
示在製造砷化鎵/砷化鋁鎵高阻值 區的絕緣技術方面,絕緣層多重能
量離子佈值是相當有 用。使用此種離子佈值於異質性接面電晶體磊
晶層形成 高於105Ω-cm的絕緣區,此結果在本文中以二次離子質
譜儀的離子縱深圖及逐步升高的退火溫度(加溫範圍: 280℃~750
藉由氧/氦離子相互配合所佈值的試片在退火溫度360 ℃時到達相
當好絕緣特性:相距25微米的兩個元件區 域,集層加電壓至29伏
特時,漏電流僅1微安培。在 此實驗中試片為1.63微米厚的異質
接面結構,為使其達 到完全絕緣效果,我們使用氧離子及氦離子各
佈值四種 不同能量,以有效地抑制導電載子,達到完全絕緣效
果。在此試驗中,氧離子的佈值能量範圍從80到200 仟電子伏特
,而氦離子則從80到450仟電子伏特。每 單位面積(厘米平方)
離子濃度則在十的十三次方到十 五次方之間。 本論文亦同使用
硼離子和氧離子佈值 以為絕緣研究,它們也都達到類似的結果。
The electrical properties of the high resistance layers in the
GaAs / AlGaAs epi-layer structure produced by O+ / He+ , B+
and O+ multi - energy ion implantation have been studied . It
was shown that the multi-energy ion implantation is useful for
device isolation technology to create a high-resistance layer in
the GaAs / AlGaAs epi-layer . The formation of the high-
resistance ( > 105Ω-cm ) region in the heterojuntion bipolar
transistor ( HBT ) GaAs / AlGaAs structures by ion implantation
has been investigated with the ion profiles of the SIMS as a
function of subsequent annealing at different temperature ( 280
~ 750℃ ) .
The simple co-implanted by O+ / He+ shows the good isolation
after annealing at 360℃. An isolation leakage current as low as
1μA at 29V bias in the collector layer can be achieved between
two active regions separated by a 25 μm spacing. The isolation
of these 1.63 μm-thick heterojunctions structure was
aciieved by oxygen implants with four different energies
( 80~200keV ) and helium implants with four different energies
(80~450keV ) . The range of the dose used is from 10e13 to
10e15cm-2 . Similar result was achieved using these boron and
oxygen implantation .
Appears in Collections:Thesis