標題: 產業及創新政策對中華民國汽車產業發展影響力之分析
The Effect of National Innovation and Industrial Policies
作者: 蔡繼宏
Tsai, Ji-Hung
Joseph Z. Shyu
關鍵字: 汽車產業;產業關鍵成功因素;產業政策;Automobile Industrial;key success factors;Industrial Policies
公開日期: 1996
摘要: 本研究針對產業關鍵成功因素與產業創新政策之關聯性,整合五大相關理 論,提出一「國家科技政策-產業影響力分析模式」,並以中華民國汽車 產業為個案研究,論證此模式之實用性。在全球科技產業之技術分類中, 利用Porter的「競爭策略矩陣模型」,歸納汽車產業中各主要國家及我國 之策略定位。本研究蒐集中華民國自民國70年至現今之汽車產業政策,同 時根據技術性基礎結構之特性將此政策工具分為科技型基礎結構(AI)、市 場型科技結構(BI)與傳統基礎結構(Conventional)三大類。在國家創新系 統分析中,包含了另兩大組成份子,一為Carlsson與Stankiewicz之科技 系統定義,另一為Porter之「國家競爭優勢」中鑽石結構為國家環境構面 。本研究探討個別政策工具對科技系統與國家環境之關聯性,以了解此二 構面對汽車產業發展之影響力。在企業構面分析方面,根據Porter之競爭 策略模式,將我國汽車產業劃分成四大競爭策略群組,而我國業者多以「 低成本營運能力」為其策略定位。同時針對每一策略群組進行產業關鍵成 功因素分析,並進行關鍵成功因素與政策工具關聯性之研究,以歸納關鍵 成功因素與政策工具在理論上的關聯性。另外,根據汽車產業產值在製造 業產值之貢獻率為經濟產出分析指標,配合相關理論、實際政府所施行之 政策與整體環境變化,分析我國汽車產業發展趨勢。研究結果發現,雖然 政府不斷利用融資、補助、租稅優惠等鼓勵措施,為企業培養部分關鍵成 功因素,但我國汽車產業由於長期在政府保護政策下,仍無法與國際大廠 競爭。經由本研究分析模式應用,其結果可作為政府在制訂其他產業政策 時之參考依據,使產業政策可與產業關鍵成功因素與產業環境配合,將有 限之資源作最有效之分配,進而提升國家之競爭力。 This thesis focuses on the development of an analytical model for assessing the effectiveness of government's innovation and industrial policies on industrial development. A case study on Taiwan's automobile industry was used to demonstrate the applicability of the model. This model assumed that there was a link between global industrial technology and national industrial technology development and the linking medium was the national innovation system (NIS). In this model, it was also assumed that there were three major components in the NIS, namely, technological infrastructure, national environment, and government's innovation policy. In the industry technology, using Porter's generic competitive strategies as the segmentation variable, the global and national industrial technologies can be categorized into four groups, each having an assortment of key success factors (KSFs) to sustain global competitiveness. It was those KSFs responsible for the industrial development. For Taiwan's automobile industry, most firms positioned themselves as low-cost producers in the global market. During the technology absorption period, policy instruments that enhanced firms' competitiveness included loan, subsidy, and taxation. However, in the latter stage of rapid industrial development, because of infavorable industrial environment and Taiwan's industrial structure, the industry encounted severe bottleneck to circumvent. Moreover, during this latter period, although government tries to eThis study demonstrated that the analytical model developed was useful in assessing the effectiveness of government's innovation policies when the role of the government was significant. However, as the industry developed to a more mature stage while government policies can only have little effectiveness, the environment factors of the industry will be the determining factors for the growth of the industry, and private firms will be the major responsible for strengthening their own technology capability the