Title: 研發管理制度輔導之成效 - 以經濟部科技專案廠商為例
Performance Appraisal of Developing Firms' R&D Management Systems : A Case Study of the Industry Technology Development Program of Ministry of Economic Affairs
Authors: 謝集玲
Keywords: 研發管理制度;輔導;績效評估;科專;R & D Management;guidance assistance;Performance Appraisal;Industry Technology Development Program
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: 經濟部自八十六年度開始推動業界科技專案,為推動研發管理制度,特委託相關執行單位社團法人中華民國管理科學學會〈以下簡稱管科會〉,來針對執行業界科技專案廠商來進行輔導,經由先期、期中及期末診斷輔導的過程,最後才能順利結案。 本研究乃藉由管科會針對參與科專廠商含計畫申請前、計畫執行中及計畫結束前〈先期、期中、期末〉不同時間點提供申請科技專案的廠商所給予的輔導,及對於經由輔導委員及專家的改善中所評量出的成效,進而在計畫結束前〈期末評鑑〉發放廠商問卷,檢視研發管理制度輔導之成效與廠商成果之關係。針對管科會對執行科技專案廠商輔導研發管理制度而產生之效益,與公司規模產業等特性進行分析,包括廠商的滿意度、持續執行力及反映在產業的營收效益上發展出一實證架構並加以操作期瞭解輔導研發管理制度之成效,並作為未來執行改善之依據。
Since 1997, Ministry of Economic Affairs has been carrying out Industry Technology Development Program(ITDP) for improving enterprise’ R& D management. Chinese Management Association(CMA) was commissioned to assist the enterprises in the program to develop firms’ R&D management systems. The guidance and assistance were provided in three phases: the preparative phase, the middle phase, and the final phase from CMA to help firms to diagnose and improve their R&D function, so that the enterprises can complete the program. The research first collects several measures: the results after CMA guidance and assistance via in the three different phases as previously mentioned from the enterprises which participated in the Industry Technology Development Program. We further associate the relationship between these measures to explore the benefits to the enterprises. As most Taiwan’s enterprises have been neglecting the R&D management function, it is highly desirable for CMA to help them to build up R&D management systems to efficiently carry out R&D projects supported by ITDP. The study first proposes an evaluation framework with key performance indices, follow by an empirical examination of the effectiveness of CMA’s commissioned projects.
Appears in Collections:Thesis