Title: 組織觀點之策略運作模式-以宏□電腦的自有品牌國際化經驗為例
An Organization-Based Model of Strategic Formulation - A Case Study on Globalization of Acer Corporation
Authors: 陳劍豪
Chen, Chien-Hao
Shang-Jyh Liu
Keywords: 組織;策略;宏□;organization;strategy;Acer
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 本研究從組織分析的觀點修正傳統的策略規劃架構。在論文中首先將組織 與策略的運作觀念整合成一個新的組織運作模型,再根據此模型導出一個 修正後的策略規劃模式。最後根據宏□國際化的案例研究,敘述組織因素 在策略執行過程中的所發生影響,以說明將組織運作特性納入策略考量的 重要性。以往的策略規劃模式所考慮的組織因素,主要是使用企業價值鏈 分析組織的優勢與劣勢,作為策略規劃的參考,然後在策略決定以後,修 改組織架構以配合策略之執行。這種傳統的策略規劃模式,認為策略規劃 超然於組織特性之上,組織必須配合策略。本研究認為策略是組織內部運 作的一環,策略與組織架構因素的互動狀況,對策略的規劃與執行有重要 的影響。在組織運作模型的部份,將組織的運作分成組織特性、組織思考 與組織作為三部份。組織特性包含組織目的、組織運作特性和營運效益; 組織思考包含策略擬定、策略決策與執行規劃;組織作為則分成組織內部 調整與外部行為調整。其中特別加強說明的部份是組織運作特性,本研究 從經濟理論的自利行為、有限理性、專業分工和交易成本四個基本觀念, 導出激勵與協調兩個構面,用來說明組織運作特性各項因素的基礎,然後 以13個組織運作特性探討組織與策略的互動關係。宏□從1986年開始進行 龍騰計畫,在1989到1992年之間遭遇到嚴重挫折,企業經過一連串組織調 整之後,營運狀況才能重新上軌道。在國際化的過程中,宏□產生人員膨 脹、組織文化衝突、海外企業管理不當等問題,為了解決這些問題,宏□ 推動一連串的組織改革,包括利潤中心制、組織扁平化、速食產銷模式、 主從架構和結合地緣等。這些問題與解決方式,其根源都是組織中的協調 與激勵因素,因此唯有重視策略與組織的互動性,才能有效解決策略執行 時的組織問題,發揮策略的效果。 This study presents a model to illustrate the interactions between strategic management and organizational dynamics. Traditional concept of strategic management emphasizes that the industrial environment determines the strategy and the organization structure follows strategy. Nevertheless, this study argues that the organizational architectures and culture play critical roles in determining the success of a strategy, and current status as well as future changes of an organization must not be ignored before a strategic alternative is chosen. Furthermore, there exists dynamic interrelationship between organizational characteristics and strategic formulation. The operational mode of an enterprise is often adapted to perform the strategy and thereafter reshapes the existing organization that leads to formulate a new strategy.This organization model consists of three major components, i.e., the organizational characteristics, the organizational judgment and the organizational conducts. These components include detailed constituents such as the purpose, thea strategic alternative is chosen. Furthermore, there exists dynamic interrelationship between organizational characteristics and strategic formulation. The operational mode of an enterprise is often adapted to perform the strategy and thereafter reshapes the existing organization that leads to formulate a new strategy. ational effectiveness, etc., of the organization. Strategic planning and implementation are considered as the judgment of an enterprise. This study lists the evaluation factors for organizational operations that are derived from theoretical base of transaction cost and information economics. Moreover, this article employs Acer corporation as a case to describe the organizational restructuring and adaptation to its global brand strategy. Chronological performance data show that the difficulties occurred to Acer*s globalization predominantly arise from its fast expansion as well as organizational and international culture conflicts leading to the mismanagement of overseas subsidiaries and huge financial deficits. This research concludes that Acer*s globalization almost impaired its survival was due to a lack of organizational insights and planning before the strategy was implemented. A business strategy can never achieve its success without adjusting to the organizational dynamics in an appropriate manner.
Appears in Collections:Thesis