Title: | 個人通訊服務(PCS)發展趨勢探討研究 A Study on the Development trend of Personal Comunications Services |
Authors: | 解邦緯 Hsieh, Pang-Wei 虞孝成 Hsiao-Cheng Yu 科技管理研究所 |
Keywords: | 個人通訊;網路;終端設備;通訊服務;PCS |
Issue Date: | 1996 |
Abstract: | 個人通訊服務的核心概念是將傳統以〝網路〞為中心的通訊服務提供方 式,轉變為以〝個人〞為中心,藉由智慧型網路所提供的單一通訊號碼及 用戶行動管理功能,整合有線及無線網路,依照用戶當時所處的環境,以 最適當的路徑建立通訊鍊結來提供通訊服務。即使各界對PCS的定義仍有 不同的看法,但要落實PCS的理想,終端設備可移動性(Terminal Mobility)、用戶可移動性(Personal Mobility)、通訊服務可移動性 (Service Mobility)等三項構成要素是不可或缺的。此外,要使PCS得 以普及於一般社會大眾,價格大眾化、容量大型化、服務多樣化、使用便 利化也是其應有的特色。一般皆預測在PCS開始導入後,相關的市場將以 每年30%以上的速度成長。本研究係由技術預測的角度著手,藉由廣泛的 資料蒐集、閱讀及研判,分析PCS的發展趨勢。針對目前各通訊相關團體 所提出的技術與標準分析探討,包括高層(High-tier)標準的GSM/ DCS-1800、IS-95、IS-54/136;低層(Low-Tier)標準DECT、PACS等陸地 行動通訊系統以及各衛星行動通訊系統如Iridium、Globalstar等,並討 論智慧型網路技術對PCS落實所具有的關鍵性影響,所獲得的結論如下 :1. 開放競爭的經營環境可促使經營者直接面對消費者選擇,達成提高 服務品質、有效利用資源、增進消費者福利的目的。2. 整合各種不同網 路共同提供通訊服務,是達成PCS的重要方法之一,不僅可有效利用通訊 資源,亦可降低消費者負擔,提供便利的服務。3. 落實PCS的無線通訊技 術有多種選擇,且彼此間不一定是互不相容的,可協同運作共同提供服務 。PCS為未來通訊網路的重要發展方向,因此建議我國有關單位儘速制訂 中長期的發展策略,規畫PCS的發展平台,扶植我國無線通訊產業,並加 快電信開放的腳步,以塑造適合PCS發展的經營環境。 The core concept of Personal Communications Services(PCS) is to transform the way of providing communications services that used to be "network- base" into "personal-base". PCS integrates both the wired and wireless network to build communication link, according to the location of subscribers to provide communication services in the best route. Even though people have different definitions regarding PCS, three elements are necessary to fulfill the ideals of PCS : Terminal Mobility, Personal Mobility, Service Mobility. In addition, popularized expense, enlarged capacity, diversified services, and convenient usage are required to make PCS broadly applied to the public. It is generally predicted that there will be above 30% annual growth when PCS is introduced into the market.Based on broad data and research, the study analyzes the development trends of PCS from the angle of technology forecast and evaluation. It discusses the technologies and standards set by the communication standard organizations and institutes, including land-based and satellite-based mobile communication system a, such as the High-Tier standard GSM/DCS-1800, IS-95, IS-54/136, and the Low-Tier standard DECT, PACS, and satellite communication system Iridium, Globalstar, etc.. It also discusses the significant influences of intelligent network to fulfill PCS's ideal. It is concluded as follows:1. An open and competitive market will force the services providers to directly meet the consumers' needs, and to improve the quality of services, the efficient use of communication resources and the consumer welfare.2. The integration of different networks to provide communication services is one of important means to reach the goal of PCS. It improves the efficient use of communication resources, and reduces the expense and inconvenience of consumers.3. There are many options of wireless communication technology to substantiate the ideal of PCS. They are not necessarily incompatible and can accord with the others to provide services.PCS is an important course of future communication network development. Thus, it is suggested that the government set up mid/long term development strategy, project the development platform of PCS, help expand our wireless communication industry, and to accelerate the freedom of telecommunication market as well, to form a circumstance suitable for PCS development. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/61650 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |