Title: 虛擬機器人觸覺能力之研究
To Make a VR Robot Feel What a Real Robot Feels via Force Measurement
Authors: 羅炎陽
Luo, Yan-Yang
Kuu-Young Young
Keywords: 虛擬實境;力感測器;機器人;virtual reality;force sensor;robot
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 在本篇論文中,我們利用量測的力資料使虛擬機器人感受到真實機
器人的感覺。 〝感覺〞的產生是發展虛擬遙距操控系統中重要的一部
Mitsubishi RV-M2機器人上裝上一JR3力感測器,當真實機器手臂碰撞真
In this thesis, we intend to make a VR robot feel what a
real robot feelsby using force measurement data. The generation
of this "feel" function is part of the effort to develop a more
realistic VR teleoperation system, so that force information can
be incorporated to help the operator in deling with delicate and
compliant motions. We first mount a JR3 force sensor on the
Mitsubishi RV-M2 type robot manipulator. When the real
manipulator collides with obstacles in the real environment, we
record the force data and generate VR objects deformed in
different levels according to these force data. Thus, we canhave
the VR teleoperation system in which the VR manipulator can
collide into the VR obstacle in the VR environment with a
realistic deforming process. Due to the partial malfunction
status of the force sensor, we need to perform sensor
identification under special consideration. After sensor
identification,we usedthree experiments to find out the
distributions of force and moment on the sensor's six axes and
the effects of collision under different operating velocities.
We then developed a VR simulation environment to emulate the
VRobject deforming process by using data from the force sensor.
The resultsdemonstrate the feasibility of the proposed "feeling"
system, although problemsfor making a real-time, on-line system
are still present.
Appears in Collections:Thesis