Title: 智慧型自動導引車於動態環境中之自主式導航
Autonomous Navigation of an Intelligeot Mobile Robot in Dynamic Environments
Authors: 張智超
Chang, Charles!C.
Kai-Tai Song
Keywords: 自動導引車;反應式導航;動態環境;環境模型建立;學習法則;自我定位;mobile robot;reactive navigation;dynamic environment;world modeling;learning algorithm;self-localization
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 智慧型自動導引車必須能在動態、非結構化的環境中自主導航。在動態環
境中,能正確 估測障礙物的運動資訊對導航控制非常重要。由於現今的
車上感測器要即時地獲取顯式 (Explicit)的運動資訊有所困難,因此
Relative Error Back-propagation ) 法所訓練。藉由車上多個超音波感
測器與 CCD攝影機,它可以有效預測出動態障礙物的未來動向,提供導航
出基於雙向距離轉換法(Bidirectional Distance Transform) 的路徑規
map) 式的環境模型以多種感測 穈T資訊融合而建構,使得自動導引車擁
CCD 攝影機、和多個超音波感測器的資訊來達成。對於所發展的導航方法
,論文 中提出了模擬和實驗的結果。
An intelligent mobile robot should be able to navigate itself in
dynamic and unstructured environments. In such circumstances,
the motion of moving obstacles need to be estimated.
Due to the difficulties for present-day on-board
sensor system to get explicit motion information in real time,
we propose to construct an environment predictor to obtain
implicit motion information. Multiple sensors including
ultrasonic rangefinders and a CCD camera are used to
obtain motion prediction. The predictor is constructed by
artificial neural networks, which
are trained by a relative-error-backpropagation algorithm
developed in this dissertation. To handle multiple moving
obstacles, a reactive navigation method is
developed to work with the predictor based on virtual force
concept. Using the developed
bidirectional distance-transform path planner, the planned path
can be modified on-line based on a learned world model.
A method is proposed for absolute position estimation in an
indoor environment. Fused sensor data from encoders,
gyroscope, CCD camera, and ultrasonic
sensors are used to accomplish self-localization.
Simulation and experimental results are presented to verify the
proposed methods.
Appears in Collections:Thesis