標題: 自動協定軟體產生工具之設計與雛型發展
Design and Prototyping of Automated Tool for Protocol Software Generation
作者: 郭立辰
Kuo, Li-Chen
Chen Yaw-Chung
關鍵字: 自動;物件導向;視覺化程式設計;通用函式庫;automated;object-oriented;visual programming;general library;SDL
公開日期: 1996
摘要: 開發系統軟體的一種趨勢是要盡量減少原始程式之撰寫,因此必須盡可能 的增強軟體元件重複使用的能力。如此一來開發的過程會更有效率、更易 於維護,而且錯誤會更少。在這篇論文中我們採用了『物件導向』以及『 視覺化』的程式設計技術,結合一種『正規描述語言 (SDL)』,來發展一 套更方便、更高階、更通用的協定軟體開發方式。這個方式提供程式設計 者一個『圖形化使用者介面』來輸入系統規格的流程圖,並且以自動化的 方式來產生系統的程式碼,代替手動撰寫程式碼的過程。如果這種方式是 已『良好正規化』而且已證明其正確性,那麼這個方式將可以被大部份的 軟體設計者所接受,如此一來程式設計者便可以使用通用程式庫以及圖形 化的介面,更簡易、更正確地開發協定軟體系統。 The trend for developing a software system is to reduce the effort for writingsource code and enhance reusability of the software components, so that the development process becomes more efficient, maintainable and less error prone. This thesis adopts both "object-oriented" and "visual programming" techniques which combines with a formal specification language (SDL) to design a convenient and high level approach for protocol software development. This approach provides the designer a graphical user interface to input the flow-diagram of the system specification, and generates the system program code automatically, instead of writing the program code manually. If this approach is well-formed and proven in its correctness, it will be useful for the software designers to develop software systems much easily and correctly by using the general code library and the graphical interface.