Title: 開放式三維電腦動畫開發環境的播放系統
The Playback System of the 3D Animation Development Environment
Authors: 崔友經
Tsui, Yu-Ching
Liu Jenn-Hann
Keywords: 開放式;三維電腦動畫;動畫製作;Open Architecture;3D Animation;Direct3D;DirectX;COM
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 由於電腦軟、硬體的持續進步,個人電腦上三維電腦動畫的時代已經來臨
。微軟公司推出的DirectX SDK,提供一個可以整合多媒體與三維電腦動
畫的平台,對未來的發展將會有深遠的影響。我們嘗試運用DirectX SDK
使用者並不需要花費許多金錢於增購或更換硬體。2. 希望設計一個開放
增加元件。3. 使用一致的界面,Property Sheet,來設定一個操控元件
。4. 利用操控元件,簡化三維電腦動畫的製作流程,節省動畫製作時間
。5. 運用Direct3D Retained Mode API,即時播放使用者自行製作的三
Due to the continuous progress of software and hardware, the
age of making 3Dcomputer animation on PC is coming. Microsoft
announces the DirectX SDK, whichprovides a platform that
integrates multimedia and 3D computer animation. Thiscertainly
will bring a great impact on future development. We try to use
the API provided by Microsoft DirectX SDK to implement a
3Dcomputer animation development environment. The main ideas
are: 1. Use popular Microsoft Windows 95 as our platform, thus
user will spend lessmoney in buying new hardware or changing
equipment.2. We hope to design a development environment with
open architecture, so theenvironment can be expanded and more
and more components can be added to thesystem.3. We use an
unified interface, property sheet, to set and control
thecomponent.4. By using the component, we can generate and
control complicated animationsimply by setting a few parameters
of the component.5. By using the Direct3D Retained Mode API, the
animation user produced can beplayed in real-time.
Appears in Collections:Thesis