Title: 開放式 3D 動畫編輯與播放系統
3D Animation Authoring and Playback System with Open Architecture
Authors: 王子裕
Wang, Tze-Yu
Jenn-Hann Liou
Keywords: 3D 動畫;開放式;演員;軟體元件;多媒體;3D Animation;Open Architecture;Actor;Software Component;Multimedia;DirectX
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 在傳統的 3D 動畫編輯系統中, 使用者只能使用系統所提供的動畫控制
方式來控制虛擬 3D 世界中物體的移動方式與移動路徑, 無法為某些需要
特殊行為或特殊移動方式的物體指定其行為或移動方式, 例如, 人的跑
跳, 動物的進食等等. 所以在本論文裡, 我們嘗試一個3D動畫發展環境的
新架構.在這個架構下, 一方面, 我們提供了基本的3D動畫編輯與控制的
能力; 另一方面, 我們提供一個標準規格, 讓熟悉DirectX且有創意的工
程師可以設計開發出各種不同的演員 (Actor), 做出複雜而且特殊的變
化, 例如移動, 變形, 甚至還可以利用視窗系統所提供的豐富多媒體能
力, 與多媒體進行整合; 最後, 本論文提出了利用編導觀念來使用演員的
操作方式. 使用者對每個演員, 可以安排它的出場, 退場的時間, 安排他
的位置, 指定它的動作, 讓使用者構思的故事得以實現. 我們做這種設
計的動機乃是基於下列的認知.(1) DirectX是個人電腦, 3D繪圖上重要
的規格, 會有越來越多人有能力用它來 設計程式.(2) 開放式的架
構與軟體元件的使用能夠使系統所需的功能性不斷的增加, 並且 可
In the traditional 3D animation authoring environment, a user
can only use primitive controls for movement and action of an
object in the virtual 3D world. It is extremely difficult to
make object to perform more sophisticated actions, such as
running of human beings or eating of animals. In this thesis, we
attempt to develop a new architecture of 3D animation authoring
environment. With this architecture, first, we provide the
basic capabilities of 3D animation authoring and control.
Second, we specify the specification of actor component.
Creative engineers who are familiar with DirectX can develop
various actors to achieve complex or special effects, such as
morphing. Especially, the capabilities of multimedia of windows
system can be combined with 3D animation to achieve even higher
degree of reality. Finally, we use the concept of film
production. A user can think of himself as a movie director. He
designs the scene, chooses the actors, arranges every movement
of the actors to create a story.We believe :(1) DirectX is an
important development on personal computer. More and more people
will use it in some way.(2) Open architecture can keep a system
to grow and get more and more powerful, while its user can
concentrate on his production.
Appears in Collections:Thesis