Title: 隨選視訊環境中的分散式新聞影片資料庫
Distributed News Video Database system for VOD Environment
Authors: 林鴻傑
Lin, Hung-Chieh
Suh-Yin Lee
Keywords: 視訊資料庫;Video Database;VOD
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 在隨選視訊的服務中,影片資料是主要的處理元件。由於影片的資料量非 常龐大,而且內容很難以電腦內部的方式來描述,因此為了讓使用者能很 迅速的在大量的影片中找到所要的影片,並提供內容供應商一個影片管理 系統,因此我們需要一個可以描述並儲存大量影片的資料庫系統。在這篇 論文中,我們提供一個隨選視訊環境中的分散式新聞影片資料庫,以及一 個有效率偵測MPEGII影片中場景變換的演算法。此影片資料庫系統提供了 以影片內容屬性以及中文敘述做查詢,並以主從架構提供使用者透過網路 查詢,並且與視訊伺服器結合來提供隨選視訊的服務。在偵測場景變化的 演算法中,我們利用MPEGII中的motion vector資訊來做偵測,使得可以 在不解壓縮的情況下有效率的找出場景變化的位置。並更進一步的自動將 完整新聞影片分割成單一新聞片段。在本論文中,應用環境為新聞影片, 然而此影片資料庫的核心技術可以很容易的轉移到各種隨選視訊的服務上 。 In Video On Demand (VOD) services, videos are the major elements to be processed. The volume of video is very large and its content is hard to be described and modeled.Besides, it is hard for subscribers to find a desired video quickly from huge amount of videos. To provide subscribers fast retrieval of desired video and content provider a video management system, there must be a video database management system to provide these functions. In this thesis, a prototype of distributed news video database system for VOD environment and an efficient algorithm to detect scene change in MPEGII video are proposed. The video database system provide user with querying video database by features and Chinese description about video content. This database system is also constructed by client-server model and combined with video server to support continuous playback of videos. In the scene change detection algorithm, motion vectors in the MPEGII video are utilized to detect scene changes within a video. Although the system is designed for News On Demand service, the core technologies of this distributed news video database system can be applied to other VOD services easily. O
Appears in Collections:Thesis