標題: 離散餘弦轉換之低成本處理器設計
A Low-Cost Processor Core for Discrete Cosine Transform
作者: 龔金盛
Kung, Chin-Sheng
Chein-Wei Jen
關鍵字: 離散餘弦轉換;低成本;數位相機;處理器;加法;Discrete Cosine Transform;Low cost;digital-still-camera;processor;add
公開日期: 1996
摘要: 在許多的訊號處理的應用上,離散餘弦轉換(DCT)扮演一個很重要的沔色
而即時一些應用, 如MPEG-2解壓縮器, 帶動了高速與高價格設計之發展。
然而, 就最近很熱門的數位相機(DSC)而言, 他並不需要高速的離散餘弦
轉換器,但是一般設計然常是用昂貴的DSP 處理器或高速的硬體來達成,
計。 本設計中主要基於"以加法器為主的分散式算術(Adder-based DA)"
架構, 他只需要加法器、移位器(shifter)與繞線就可以完成。我們使用
。配合一個透過最佳化設計的控制器來控至整個離散餘弦轉換的運算, 並
整個設計更加的便宜。 設計的結果與分析, 本設計的成本低於一個
16*16 的乘法器, 而效能相當於一個相對上非常昂貴之 DSP 處理器的一
DCT/IDCT are useful in a number of signal processing
applications, includingdata compression of image, video and
audio signals. The real-time applications,such as MPEG-2
decoder, motivate the dedicated hardware design for DCT/IDCT
with high speed performance, but high cost. However, the
digital-still-camera(DSC) is a very hot topic in commercial
products in recent year. The DCT operation is not required to
have high speed response in the DSC application, but it is
always implemented by the DSP processor or the dedicated
hardware, that result high cost. To have a low cost design for
DCT that will fit to the system of the low speed application. A
novel design of low cost processor core for DCT is proposed in
this thesis. The design is based on the 本設計的成本低於一hm
which needs just adder, shifter and routing. A datapath with
simple hardware is designed for the operation of transforms. And
a controller, which is optimized by signed-digit and
subexpression sharing to reduce the cycles of computation,
generates the control signals to the datapath for performing the
function. The hardware design to process DCT always exists in
the system with RAM or processor. The resources of RAM in a
system could be shared by this design for DCT, that reduces much
cost. The cost of the proposed design is less than a 16x16
multiplier, and the performance is about a half of the
DSPprocessor TI TMS320C3X and fits to the requirement of DCT
operation in DSC application.
Appears in Collections:Thesis