標題: 抗諧振反射光波導偏極化分光元件
Antiresonant Reflecting Optical Waveguide (ARRROW) polarization beam splitters
作者: 張秋宏
Jang, Chiou-Hung
Yang-Tung Huang
關鍵字: 抗諧振;偏極化;antiresonant;polarization
公開日期: 1996
摘要: 在本論文中,我們提出三種不同結構的抗諧振反射光波導偏極化分光元件,
其中,我們利用數種抗諧振反射光波導及/或 B 型抗諧振反射光波導的特
音(crosstalk) 皆小於 -20 dB.在元件分析方面,我們使用轉換矩陣法(
Transfer Matrix Method)分析波導的模態特性,並利用本徵模函數展開
法(Eigenmode Expansion Method)分析元件外側包蓋層為逐漸縮減結構時
各個模態之間的耦合行為. 最後, 使用波束傳播法(Beam Propagation
Three different configurations of ARROW-based polarization beam
splitters are presented, the polarization splitting is attained
by utilizing various characteristics of basic ARROW and/or
ARROW-B. All these proposed devices perform good polarization
discrimination, that is, with crosstalk < -20 dB.In analyzing
and designing our devices, we employ multilayer stack theory to
derive the modal charateristics of the waveguides, and employ
eigenmode expansion method to observe coupling behavior between
local normal modes in a taper structure. Beam propagation method
has been employed to simulate the lightwave behavior in the
devices, and the simulation results are congruous with the
theoritical analysis.
Appears in Collections:Thesis