Title: 電容式壓力感測計
Capacitive Pressure Sensor
Authors: 謝友嵐
Hsieh, Yeou-Lang
張國明, 黃宇中
Kow-Ming Chang, Yu-Chung Huang
Keywords: 壓力感測計;接合;微小機電;pressure sensor;bonding;MEMS
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 半導體感測計的製造程序通常是從積體電路的製程中所衍生出來的. 進
一步說, 這些特殊的製程包括了形成薄膜之非等向性蝕刻以及形成懸空的
樑或薄膜之犧牲層技術. 根據這些半導體感測計的大小以及間距約在幾個
毫微米之譜, 通常這些製程叫做微小機電技術. 這篇論文的重點集中在
電容式壓力感測計的製造過程, 也就是說, 詳細的製程研究將被提出. 特
別在於氫氧化鉀之非等向性蝕刻, 硼擴散層的形成, 以及陽極接合程序.
另一方 面, 我們也將提出感測計的量測設備及量測結果.
Semiconuctor sensors are usually fabricated using processes
that is developedfor integrated circuits;furthermore,many
specialized fabrication steps includeanisotropic etching to form
diaphragm, and the use of sacrificial layers toform free-
standing beams or membranes is needed.Those processes are
refered toas micromachining, according to the feature dimensions
of the sensors are of the order of micros, and the spacing
between sensor parts maybe one micro orless. The key point of
this thesis focuses on the fabrication processes of the cap-
acitive pressure sensor;consequently, a detailed study of
processes will beshown,especially in KOH anisotropic etching,p+
layer formation,and anodic bonding process. On the other hand,
we will also show the measurement and testingresults of this
sensor respectively.
Appears in Collections:Thesis