標題: 以化學氣相方式與濺鍍方式沉積氮化鉬擴散障礙層在極大型積體電路金屬化應用上之研究
Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition and Physical Vapor Deposition of Molybdenum Nitride Diffusion Barrier for ULSI Metallization
作者: 劉家宏
Liu, Jiang-Huang
孫喜眾, 蘇 翔
Shi-Chung Sun, Shyang Su
關鍵字: 化學氣相沉積;物理氣相沉積;氮化鉬;氮-矽-鉬;擴散障礙層;CVD;PVD;MoN;MoSiN;Diffusion Barrier
公開日期: 1996
摘要: 在本論文中,我們利用一種新的有機金屬前驅物BDBTM(bisdiethylamido
bistertbutylimido molybdenum) 以化學氣相方式沉積成長氮化鉬,用作
銅與鋁金屬導線的擴散障礙層. 在物性方面,我們提出在低溫下成長的氮
測定此障礙層的熱穩定性. 60奈米厚的薄膜對銅的熱穩定性可達攝氏500
度, 20奈米厚的薄膜對銅和鋁的熱穩定度分別達到攝式450度和500度退
之影響,並成功地找出最佳化的沉積條件. 在最佳條件下,60奈米厚的氮化
對銅的熱穩定度更可高達攝氏750度. 原因是矽原子的摻入,增加了氮化鉬
的結晶溫度(crystallization temperature),因此降低了銅在晶界(grain
In this thesis, we investigated the physical and electrical
properties of the metalorganic chemical vapor deposition of MoN
thin film. Molybdenum nitride was deposited using a new
precusor bisdiethylamido bistertbutylimido molybdenum by thermal
decomposition. To lower the film resistivity, CVD MoNx film
deposited at 450oC with in-situ ammonia post treatment at
650oC/30min was used. In addition, CVD MoNx film deposited at
450oC with a sequential in-situ nitrogen plasma treatment at
650oC/30min for every 10 nm film was performed to obtain high
conformity and low resistivity barrier films. The leakage
current measurement on the metal/barrier/p+n junction diodes was
used to characterize the thermal stability. A 60nm CVD MoNx
film was able to prevent Cu diffusion at temperature up to 500oC
for 30 min. A 20 nm CVD MoNx film was able to prevent Cu and Al
diffusion at temperature up to 450oC/30min and 500oC/30min
annealing, respectively. In the study of PVD MoN and PVD MoSiN
of various nitrogen contents, we obtained the optimal Ar/N2
ratio during sputtering. Under the optimal conditions(Ar/
N2=12/3), the 60 nm PVD MoN film was able to prevent Cu
diffusion up to 650oC for 30 min, while the 60 nm PVD MoSiN film
has an evenhigher thermal stability of 750oC. This is
attributed to the increase in crystallization temperature by the
silicon incorporation in the MoN film.Higher crystallization
temperature has reduced the grain boundary diffusion of copper.