Title: | 次世代影音光碟機之標準競爭策略分析 Standards Strateage analysis for next generation video disc |
Authors: | 曾文翰 黃仁宏 管理學院管理科學學程 |
Keywords: | 標準競爭;影音光碟機;藍光光碟機;Standard competitive stratege;Blu-ray;HD-DVD |
Issue Date: | 2006 |
Abstract: | 隨著數位技術與半導體技術的快速發展,近年來的電子科技一日千里,導致電子產品的生命周期逐步縮短,新的規格標準推出以以吸引廠商及消費者投入一波又一波的追逐當中。視訊產品更是消費性電子業與電腦業者所矚目的焦點所在,在跨入高畫質(High Definition: HD) 的時代中,影音播放機將隨著早已邁入 HD 之液晶電視成為下一個重點產品,其所影響的產業,由於其週邊互補性產品之眾多,如燒錄光碟、預錄之光碟產業..等,都將承受不小的衝擊。
然而目前次世代的戰火卻因不同標準陣營的各持已見而展開中,以Sony為首的Blu-ray 與 Toshiba及DVD論壇所制定的 HD-DVD 兩大標準各有其優缺點及市場策略,仿佛是當年VCR 之 Beta 與 VHS 規格之戰的重演,值得注意的是雖然 Sony背負上次敗戰的經驗,而大動作的捲土重來,主導以 Blu-Ray 規格跨入次世代,然而卻被國際數位光碟規格制定協會拒於門外,因此在這場尚在進行中的戰役中,何者可能是最後的勝者,是值得研究的題材。
本研究報告將先以標準競爭的理論導入,說明標準制定的架構及其與產業發展的關係,那些標準策略(Strategy)是業者在此競爭中所適合遵循的,並且建立適合於本論文主題 - 次世代影音光碟機標準競爭策略之架構,搭配歷史中已發生的標準競爭,與仍在競爭當中的兩大陣營面對各種構面所採取之策略分析。
本研究總結由兩大陣營目前競爭的態勢,發現HD-DVD雖有其向下相容與製造成本低的優勢,但礙於陷於規格戰之中,並無有效的進展;反觀Blu-ray,由SONY強勢領軍的作為之下,組織龐大的產業聯盟,然而好與壞的評價伴隨而來,僅管起始的腳步多遭非議,但仍在使用者的安裝基礎先馳得點,但過高的硬體補助費用,正如芒刺在背,是SONY應儘速解決的問題。 Thanks to the rapid development of digital and semiconductor technology, the pace of electronic product cycle is getting shorter each generation. Manufacture and consumer are all involved in the chase of newer and better standards for products. Video and multimedia product is the new focus of consumer electronics and computer industry. In this age of High Definition (HD), media player is the next target after the Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) products. The spectrum of industry impacted in this wave includes recordable disc, pre-recorded disc etc. The war between different standard for the next generation disc media had started since major developer announce their specification. Namely, Blu-ray from Sony; and HD-DVD from Toshiba and DVD consortium. Unlike the war of Beta and VHS standard at VCR age. Sony bet on the Blu-Ray and put every resource to ensure the market success of their product. But International Digital Disc standard declines it, which put future of it in vague. It worth in depth study to predict which one would be the winner at the end. This thesis will introduce the interaction of standardization theorem and industry as beginning. Then identify what strategies that industry follows, and meet the necessary for next generation video DVD disc standardization. And will also refer to the events occurred in early development of Disc standard. At the end of the report, we realized the HD-DVD standard may inherent the downward compatibility and low cost advantage. But there is no effective strategy to support it to become the platform. On the contrary, Sony makes its best effort to support Blu-Ray format. Though there are many critics from the very beginning, but the broad user base is their major advantage. The biggest challenge for Sony will be focused on expensive hardware maintenance and support. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/61979 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |