標題: 高等數位內容存取系統運用架設於公鑰基礎設施的物件認證服務
Advanced Acess Content System using PKI based Authentication Service
作者: 李英宗
Neil Y Lee
Yeh Yi-Shiung
關鍵字: 高等數位能容存取系統;X.509 公鑰憑證架構;公鑰基礎設施;AACS;X.509;PKI
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 隨著數位時代的來臨,以及網際網路的普及,非授權影音內容的散播變得比以往更加容易。也因此,個人或是企業所創造之智慧財產,也較以往更容易受到侵犯。為因應內容數位化之潮流與趨勢,娛樂產業對於數位智財管理技術之需求更勝以往,以期能更進ㄧ步保護數位影音作品之價值及創作者之權益。 光學儲存媒介,如 CD,DVD 等,為目前市面上最受歡迎之影音內容儲存方式。科技的日新月異,更已造就在儲存空間、影音品質等方面都大幅提升之新世代藍光儲存技術。本篇論文所探討之「Advanced Access content System」,或簡稱「AACS」,可翻成「高等數位內容存取系統」,為一逐漸成型之新世代防拷技術,意在提供影視產業在散佈光學儲存產品之同時,亦可防止非授權盜版之 機制。雖然在設計上 AACS 已包含數項標準化之加密程序,多項創新專有之設計亦相形降低 AACS 在與其他系統整合上之彈性。另外,在公開密鑰憑證 (Public Key Certificates) 方面,AACS 並無提供標準化之規格,這可能會增加此技術在推廣上之困難度。在介紹 AACS 之同時,本篇論文意圖闡述將 X.509 架構納入AACS規格之優點,並提供AACS在規格修正上之建議。
Digital technologies have given entertainment industries tremendous opportunities for content creation. However, they have also granted anyone the ability to create exact duplications and to distribute these copies with ease that facilitates copyright infringement that reduces the revenue inflow for those creative minds. Hence, there is a great desire for digital rights management (DRM) systems that can preserve the economic value of digital video and protect the rights of its owners. Optical storage media have become the most popular vehicle of carrying audiovisual content after their theatrical debut. The advancement of technology brought us with each new generation increased storage capacity and improved picture and sound quality. Advanced Access Content System is a copy protection mechanism proposed to protect the audiovisual entertainment content stored on the next generation optical storage media. Although the specification has used several standardized cryptographic procedures in its design, several proprietary design decisions may make AACS less flexible and more difficult to integrate with other systems. In particular, the public key certificates in AACS are not defined using any standardized format. This thesis will attempt to suggest some modifications to the AACS specification that incorporate X.509 certificate framework. Some benefits of doing so are also discussed.


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