標題: 採低成本航空公司在台灣營運之可行性分析
A Study of Low-Cost Carriers Implementing in Taiwan - benchmark to AirAsia Airline
作者: 汪坤發
KernHuat Ang
Jen-Hung Huang
關鍵字: 低成本航空;折價航空;廉價航空;商業模式;西南航空公司;瑞安航空公司;亞洲航空公司;Low-cost carriers;Discount Airline;Budget Airlines;Business model;Southwest Airline;Ryanair;AirAsia Airline
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 低成本航空公司(LCC),廉價航空公司或者折價航空公司在全世界包括北美洲,歐洲和許多其他國家已經被證實是一個很好的商業模式。 相同的商業模式正在東南亞國家如雨後春筍般盛行,特別是馬來西亞,新加坡和泰國。 這篇論文主要是在研究低成本航空公司在台灣營運之可行性, 研究基礎主要是來自 AirAsia 航空公司的訪談以及台灣地區相關要素之研究。 在考量台灣地區之相關人口統計,社會經濟,地理環境,航空法規,以及AirAsia 航空公司的內部策略後, 本論文斷定台灣是一個營運低成本航空業務的高潛在市場區域。 本論文重要之研究結論如下; 1. AirAsia 航空公司的案例︰任何有意進入低成本營運的台灣航空公司最好遵循低成本航空公司的模式, 它包括了單一的乘客艙等, 同型的班機,短程且點對點的高頻率飛行班次, 機上的服務需收費,直接在網際網路上售票以及鼓勵員工在工作上從事多角色扮演。 2. 在社會經濟方面︰ 台灣是一個平均國內生產總值高的國家,且城市化的比例以及旅客的成長率也高,這些都是營運低成本航空公司的有利因素。 3. 在地理及人文統計方面︰ 台灣位於亞太的地理及貿易中心,在這個區域內以飛行旅程六小時來計算,大約有三十五億的人口可能成為台灣的潛在航空旅客,這個要素非常适合低成本航空公司的發展。 4. 在航運的自由化及法規方面︰台灣並没有任何的航空法規禁止低成本航空公司的發展。同時,低成本航空公司可以對两岸直航先做準備。
Low-Cost Carriers (LCC), budget Airlines or Discount Airlines have been proven to be a profitable business model globally. This business model has been successfully implemented in Southeast Asian countries, especially in Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. This dissertation studies the possibility of implementing low-cost carriers in Taiwan. This proposition was supported by a comparative study, SWOT analysis and interview with AirAsia as well as a review of the demography, geography, aviation regulations relevant to AirAsia and Taiwan. Following this, this paper concludes Taiwan is a suitable and potentially profitable industry to implement a low cost carrier service. This conclusion is detailed as follows: 1. Based on research of AirAsia, it is recommended airlines considering low cost flights should minimise operating costs, offer one passenger class, use a single model of aircraft, offer frequent, and if possible direct flights, offer a no frill service’, encourage employee to work in multiple roles and offer direct ticket sales. 2. A positive relationship was found between high GDP and regular return flights. It was also found increased urbanization was related to more travel destinations and this in turn was related to increased demand for travel. 3. It is suggested Taiwan has potential as a hub for Asia with 3.5 billion people within a six hour flight of Taipei. Limited land and sea transport has helped develop the international flight industry. It was also found the standard of airport facilities in Taiwan is comparable to Malaysia, where AirAsia is based. 4. With regard to regulations and liberalisation, Taiwan is well suited to take advantage of direct flights to China. Similarly, current aviation regulations do not affect the implementation of a low cost flight service.


  1. 251702.pdf
  2. 251703.pdf

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