Title: 分頻式正弦波激勵音訊編碼之研究
A Study of Multi-Sinusoid Excited Subband Audio Coding
Authors: 周文輝
Jou, Wen-Whei
Wen-Whei Chang
Keywords: 音訊編碼;正弦波激勵;分頻式;Audio Coding;Multi-Sinusoid;Subband
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 在本論文中, 我們使用分頻與以多重正弦波為激勵源的線性預估編
碼器, 配合以聽覺遮敝效應為基礎的位元配置, 達到64kb/s高品質之音訊
Most current work in LPC-based audio coders employ either
multipulse orcodebook to represent the excitation. But their
near white spectra can not precisely describe the pulselike
characteristics of residual spectra. In thisthesis, we explore
the benefits of the combined use of band-splitting and
sinusoidal excitation representation in the design of analysis-
by-synthesispredictive audio coders. One enhancement that
further increases performanceis the use of a novel bit
allocation scheme, in which bit quota is dynamicallyallocated
according to the preceptually derived masking threshold.
Informal listening tests shows that the combined use og multi-
sinusoid excitation modeland band-splitting sllows the
implementation of an LPC-based audio coder thatdelivers high
quality audio reproduction at the rate of 64 kb/s.
Appears in Collections:Thesis