標題: 晶圓代工競合策略 –從IC設計公司觀點
Collaborative Strategies for Wafer Foundry Services – from the Perspectives of IC Design Houses
作者: 顧淑美
Dr. Po-Young Chu
Dr. Chung-Tshuy Lee
關鍵字: 晶圓代工;IC設計公司;AHP 層級分析法;競爭策略;foundry services;IC design house;AHP;competitive strategy
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 晶圓代工競合策略—從IC設計公司觀點 中文摘要 從2003年SEMICO的研究發現,晶圓代工的市場複合年成長率(CAGR)在未來五年仍超過25%,對半導體晶圓代工市場的前景是樂觀的。目前晶圓代工若依市場佔有率分析,台積電、聯電分居前二名,2002年IBM介入晶圓代工業務,由於IBM的0.13微米先進技術領先國內業者,又擁有眾多的專利,並提供專利及IP(電路元件資料庫)給客戶,且和第三大代工廠Chartered聯盟,成為台積電、聯電的最大威脅,因此晶圓代工競爭又趨白熱化,如何與主要IC設計客戶合作是成敗重要關鍵。 本研究利用AHP(層級分析法) 設計問卷,透過IC design house 選擇晶圓代工廠的考量要素進行權重分析,從晶圓代工廠客戶角度來分析晶圓代工廠贏得訂單的關鍵因素,找出晶圓代工廠可針對不同客戶發展量身訂製的策略。 比較國內外資本額大小的IC design house結果顯示其重視的要素並不同: 1. 國內大design house 較重視充分的產能、良好的商譽、較穩定的良率、交期達成率和解決客戶問題的能力。宜專注於提供成熟製程的生產支援策略鎖定此類客戶。 2. 國內小design house 較重視特殊的製程能力和解決客戶問題的能力。建議鎖定有契機的客戶,提供特殊利基的專案製程,服務此類客戶。 3. 國外大design house較重視新技術Roadmap的能力、Time to market和較低的晶圓價格。建議以視客戶為夥伴關係的策略,共同研發新技術,趕上市場時效,擁有互利關係。
Collaborative Strategies for Wafer Foundry Services --from the Perspectives of IC design house ABSTRACT From the research of SEMICO, over the next five years, foundry wafer demand will grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of almost 25 percent. In general, the growth of foundry services is optimistic. In terms of market share, TSMC and UMC are the top 2 leader. But IBM started to deliver foundry service in 2001, IBM has the advantage of leading 0.13um advanced technology、offering IP service and joint process technology development with Chartered. IBM is the threat to tsmc and UMC. The competition for wafer foundry leader is fierce. How to collaborate with IC partners undoubtedly has become more critical than before for new firms delivery wafer foundary services. Therefore, a survey incorporating AHP procedure is designed for IC design houses to structurlize weighting factors selecting foundary services. Different three strategies are formulated as follow: 1. For large design houses in Taiwan, factors such as sufficient capacity、goodwill、stable yield、efficient delivery and problem solving ability are regarded more important than others. The strategy is to provide these design houses with mature process service. 2. For small design houses in Taiwan, they weight factors such as specific process and problem solving ability higher than others. To provide turnkey services is suggested. 3. For large foreign design houses, they regard new technology roadmap、time to market、lower wafer price as higher priority factors. The suggestion is to build the long term partnership with them.
Appears in Collections:Thesis