標題: 國家形象設計視覺識別符號之研究
The National Identity System: A Study
作者: 王月琴
Wang, Yueh-chin
Ming-chuen Chuang
關鍵字: 企業視覺識別系統;國家形象設計視覺識別系統;SD法;CIS;National Identity System;the Method of Semantic;Differential
公開日期: 1996
摘要: 本研究主要探討的兩大問題是:(一)根據「企業視覺識別系統」的理論 ,找出我國在全球眾國之間,明顯且足以區隔自己與眾不同的視覺圖像與 符號。(二)居住在台灣的我國籍人士與居住在外國的外籍人士,對我國 的視覺識別符號的認知差異為何?本研究係透過較有系統的調查及統計分 析的方法,找出我國的視覺識別符號,並檢驗探討研究所得的視覺識別符 號與中華民國台灣所具有的國家意象是否符合。研究過程可分為三階段: 第一階段首先以問卷的方式請數個不同國籍的受測者列出對一個特定的國 家所能聯想到的事物,再將得到的資料進行整理與分析,以了解一般人在 識別一個國家時最常用的事物類別,並作為第二階段問卷設計的基礎。第 二階段分別對我國籍人士及中正機場的離境外籍旅客做問卷調查,從各個 不同類別的事物中找出最能代表我國的視覺識別符號,並找出兩者在認知 上的差距。第三階段再用SD法及因本研究期望能發揮拋磚引玉的作用,引 起各界對此問題之重視,並集思廣義來探討建立我國NIS的可能性。 This study explores two issues: (1) the identification of images and symbolsdistinctive to the Republic of China on Taiwan., in accordance with thetheories underlying the Corporate Identity System (CIS) and (2) the differences between what images and symbols local people and foreigners' identify as representing the ROC on Taiwan.This study identifies National Identity System (NIS) symbols throughsystematic surveys and statistical analysis and seeks to determine if theyare consistent with the national image of the ROC on Taiwan.The study was divided into three steps:Step (1): A questionnaire was first distributed to people from differentcountries lives in Taiwan who were asked to give a list of concepts related,in their opinion, to any country. This step was aimed at determining peoplein their opinion, to any country. This step was aimed at determining peopleusually identify with different nations.On the basis of the answers from the first questionnaire, anotherquestionnaire for step 2 was designed.Step (2): A questionnaire was distributed to local people and foreignnationals departing from C.K.S. International Airport. This questionnaireresults identify the images and symbols of the ROC on Taiwan, as well as thedifferences between what local people and foreign nationals' identify asbeing most representative the ROC on Taiwan.Step (3): A method of Semantic Differential(SD) and Factor Analysis wereused to evaluate the difference between what foreign nationals associatewith the national identity symbols identified in step 2 and what theyassociate with the ROC on Taiwan.The purpose of this study is to draw attention to the possibility ofestablishing a National Identity System for the ROC on Taiwan, in the hopethat further research will be conducted on this subject.
Appears in Collections:Thesis