標題: 靜水壓擠製設備之設計與製造
The Design and Development of a Hydrostatic Extrusion Machine
作者: 洪榮崇
Hung, Jung-Chung
Hung, Ching-Hua
關鍵字: 靜水壓;擠製設備
公開日期: 1996
摘要: 本研究的目的在於設計與製作一工作壓力高達10000kg╱cm2(約10000大氣壓)之 靜水壓擠製設備,除了從設計製造上改良來降低靜水壓擠製設備昂貴的成本,並且針對 實驗過程中產生之各種問題及現象進行討論加以解決克服,使能進行金屬材及粉體╱固 體複合包芯材之擠製試驗。 本研究中擠製設備可分下列幾個部份:(1)可承受10000kg╱cm2的雙層錐面高壓擠 製筒,(2)壓力系統,(3)鈹銅合金所做成之高壓密封環,(4)高壓擠桿,(5)增壓裝置, (6)量測工作壓力及背壓力之Manganin壓力計,(7)改進擠製品質之背壓裝置等七個主要 部份。因擠製壓力高達10000kg╱cm2之高壓,故各部份均需經過特殊設計與製造,且本 設備中高壓擠筒乃採用較便宜且較易加工而國內工業普遍使用之模具鋼(SKD 61),而高 壓密封則將採用不同材料針對固定式密封及活動式密封進行研究分析比較。 在第二階段之擠製試驗中採用的擠製條件為:(1)靜水壓擠製壓力為10000kg╱ cm2 (2)胚件的擠製比為9:1 (3)擠製半模角為15度;而擠製胚件材料將選用經退火處 理的6061鋁合金及粉體╱固體複合包芯材等進行擠製試驗,且針對實驗過程發生問題與 現象進行分析修正,如此可確保並有效提高此設備之實用性。
The purpose of this research is to design and manufacture a hydrostatic extrusion device which has a maximum working pressure of 10000kg╱cm2. The object is not only to reduce the cost of design and manufacture, but also to solve the problems during developing a hydrostatic extrusion device which can be successfully used to extrude both metal and powder-solid composite clad rod. In this research the extrusion machine is devided into seven parts: (1) Two-layer high pressure extrusion container, (2) high pressure system, (3) "O" Ring╱Mitre Seal, (4) high pressure plunger, (5) pressure intensifier device, (6) Manganin pressure gauge, and (7) back pressure equipment. Because of high working pressure, the parts above require special design and manufacturing techniques. The material chosen for high pressure extrusion container is SKD61 which is chcep and readily available. Different materials and designs for high pressure seals are tested and analyzed for the best performance combination. For the hydrostatic extrusion experiments using the above device, the following conditions are used: (1) The extrusion pressure is 10000kg╱cm2. (2) The extrusion ratio of billet is 9:1. (3) Semi-die angle of extrusion is 15°. The materials used for billet are anneal treated 6061 aluminum alloy and powder-solid composite clad rod. The experimental results are used as basis to improve the practicability of our high hydrostatic pressure extrusion device.
Appears in Collections:Thesis