Title: 分散式計算簡介
A Study on Distributed Computing
Authors: 曾桓勇
Tseng, Huan-Young
Lee, Jong-Eao
Keywords: 分散式計算;Distributed Computing
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 在本篇論文中我們將要探討些有關分散式計算的主題。並且利用網路環境建立一個實驗性分散式計算的方想法。在論文最後我們將利用這個想法及實際生活中的網路環境來實作一個簡易系統並且解一個實際的問題。
In this thesis we will study some topics about distributed computing. First of all, we begill an traditional sequential computations which will need a lot of computing resources. And then we will construct a simple SIMD structure to solve problems which has special type of structures. In the final part of the thesis, we will implement an experimental system.
Appears in Collections:Thesis