Title: 台北市住宅區巷道停車管理策略之研究
Authors: 許元皇
Hsu, Yuan Huang
Wong Jinn Tsai
Keywords: 停車管理策略;運輸;交通;交通工程學;Strategy of parking management;TRANSPORTATION;TRAFFIC-SCIENCE;COMMUNICATION-ENGINEERING
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: In Taipei city, car parking spaces are insufficient
especially at residentialarea where road widths are under 10
meters. The conflict between parking and road traffic is
increasing due to lack of ideal on-street car parking
management, growingnumber of vehicles and there is relatively
lacking effective measures for suppression.The purpose of this
study attempts to understand parking characteristics between
different geographical areas by undertaking a household survey,
in which residents express their feelings on the level of
satisfaction upon living environment in related to parking
problem, and also comment on the construction of parking garage.
Analysis will then be undertaken so as to establish various
measures on lane/alley parking management and strategies on
parking garage construction. In this study, the strategies
implement parking zoning system, encourage private parking
garage construction, lane/alley parking management organization
in charge of lane/alleyparking management, define parking zones
into residential, public and reserved parking areas, income
form reserved parking on lane/alley should be used as fundfor
land levy, management organization staffs are endowed with power
to exert on towing illegal parking vehicles. The strategies
of encourage private parking garage construction in residential
area lane/alley include: parking garage construct under the
building code, concessionon the F.A.R.(Floor Area Ratio)
increase fine on illegal parking, provide concessionary tax rate
and subsidize on joint venture loan interest, assist in
establishment on joint venture funding over parking garage
construction from banks and funds, establisha Japan parking
development company by grouping planner, constructors,
management and financial expert in order to provide services for
the non-experienced investors,assist in establishing
organization which involves in the field of safety assurance and
maintenance on parking facilites, encourage people leasing or
purchasing parkingspaces, set up methods for drivers to lease
land at a long term basis.
Appears in Collections:Thesis