Title: 應用於三維電腦圖學中具有透視效果之紋理貼圖單元之設計
A Novel Processor Architecture for 3D Graphics Perspective Texture Mapping
Authors: 許立群
Xu, Li-Qun
Li, Zhen-Yi
Keywords: 紋理貼圖;描繪;消除鋸齒;透視;吞吐量;管線化;電子工程;Texture Mapping;Rasterization;Anti-aliasing;Perspective;Throughput;Pipeline;ELECTRONIC-ENGINEERING
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 3D computer graphics has becoming more and more important in
modern multimedia and virtual reality systems. In this area,
texture mapping is one of the most successful techniques which
can make images look more realistic and complex. In this
thesis, a perspective texture mapping processor (PTMP) is
designed and implemented to improve the texture mapping
performance of computer graphics. The PTMP can give the proper
effort of foreshortening on texture mapped polygon. The hardware
of rasterization and anti-aliasing is incorporated into PTMP.The
features of this design include modified four sided polygon
scan-converter, logarithm space divider, and simplified
algorithms for anti-aliasing. To enhance rendering speed and
throughput, the fully pipelined architecture is designed. By
analyzing data flows and operations, many resource sharing
techniques can be utilized to reducehardware cost. The post
layout simulation results show that the system can operate up to
71MHz. That is, the pixel rate is 17.85M pixels per second and
158.67K 10 * 10, Z buffered, polygon rate per second can be
achieved. The gate count of the PTMP is about 30K, and the
die size is 7522mm*6107mm. The whole chip is designed and
implemented with COMPASS 0.6mm HP CMOS cell library, and it is
currently under fabrication through NSC/CIC MPC services.
Appears in Collections:Thesis