標題: 公車客運業人員排班問題之研究-以金門縣公車為例
The Study on Bus Drivers Scheduling Problem-A Case Study of Kinmen County
作者: 廖學昌
Liao, Shuai-Chug
Jin-Yuan Wang
關鍵字: 人員排班;禁制搜尋法;決策支援系統;Crew Scheduling;Tabu search;Decision support system
公開日期: 1997
摘要: 對於公車客運業來說,人員薪資成本相對於總營運成本一直都佔有很高的 比率,以金門縣公車為例,人員薪資成本就佔其總營運成本的80%以上。 因此,不良的排班方式,不但會增加人員薪資成本,對整個營運績效亦影 響很大。再者,國內目前對於公車司機的排班調度仍然處於人工操作的階 段,人工排班的方式不但耗時費日而且無法保證所排的班表是否為最佳化 ,而且一旦每天服務的班次或司機人數改變,人工排班的方式並無法做到 即時的調整與評估。為了能夠利用電腦輔助排班人員快速排出較佳的班表 ,本研究深入探討目前國內公車客運業人員排班問題的相關限制條件並構 建成set partitioning的數學模式,求解的技巧包括八個策略並利用禁制 搜尋法的觀念來求解。而為了順應未來實際的需求,整個演算過程最後以 c++寫成套裝軟體,以方便使用者的需要。本模式最後應用金門縣公車司 機實際的調度班表作測試,以改進模式的參數。實證結果顯示,在原班次 及司機人數之下,四種班表(一般、星期四、星期六、星期日)在利用本 演算法求解之後,所得到的結果均能夠大幅改善司機的薪資成本。 The drivers' personnel costs, which is greatly effected by the working schedule, usually make up a tremendous portion of an intra-city mass transportation company's operation costs. Traditionally, seasoned managers determine this schedule by experiences and intuitions. It is a time consuming and not instead.The purpose of this research is to design and development a decision support system like bus drivers' schedule generation system. A set partitioning based model is built first. Then, a tabu based local search is implemented to find a good and feasible solution for this model. We implement this system on a personal computer environment and some tests are run by the employees of Kinmen Bus Company. The testing results show that this system can improve the existing schedule significantly. Future research could be done to integrate this system with a graphic environment.
Appears in Collections:Thesis