標題: 客戶銷售資料之探勘分析與決策支援
Mining Customer Sales data for decision support
作者: 許惠玲
Hui-Ling Hsu
Duen-Ren Liu
關鍵字: 資料探勘;線上即時分析;關聯式法則;Data mining;OLAP;Association rule
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 在瞬息萬變且競爭激烈的環境下,不論是政府或企業組織,無不積極引進新的科技技術,以適時快速獲取正確的資訊,供組織策略決策之用,藉以提高競爭優勢。因此,是否能快速正確取得有用的資訊,將成為提昇政府或企業組織競爭優勢的關鍵。對於一個龐雜的資料倉儲,其所包含的多維屬性資料常多達千餘類,決策者如何由其中迅速的掌握、取得資訊,是重要的議題。故本研究以Oracle資料庫為基礎,撰寫資料篩選程式,篩選及運算相關資料,再以資料探勘工具進行關聯式法則分析。另一方面再透過Oracle discoverer tools,將資料呈現給決策者使用,讓決策者可以迅速的掌握到有用的資訊。
In an unpredictable and competitive environment, both governments and companies are eager to embrace new technology of obtaining accurate information. Essential for planning a strategy, the technology can tremendously increase competitiveness. Consequently, the key to success is up to the speed of collecting meaningful information. Decision-makers will access complex data warehouse which can contain more than one thousand of multi-dimension data so that they will treat the processes of understanding and retrieving information swiftly as a crucial topic. In response to the situation, this study chooses the Oracle database and designs programs to filter and calculate target data, then process Association Rule with data mining tools, and finally present results to decision-makers with Oracle discoverer tools. Therefore, decision-makers can have useful information at hand in no time.
Appears in Collections:Thesis