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dc.contributor.authorLin, Jen-Chiehen_US
dc.contributor.authorJoseph Z. Shyuen_US
dc.description.abstract本論文係研究政府政策對台灣積體電路產業發展因素之影響,探討政策工具與產業競爭優 勢關鍵因素之關連性。本研究模型假設Porter國家競爭優勢書中鑽石體系之生產要素、需 求條件、相關與支援產業、企業策略企業結構同業競爭四項構面其組成內涵因素之互動關 係,為台灣IC產業國家競爭力和產業競爭力主要來源。研究發現依Mathews劃分台灣IC產 業發展的三個階段(籌備期(1965年∼1973年)不算),在IC產業技術引進的播種階段( 1974 年~ 1979年),計有研究機構、合約研究、教育、訓練、資訊、貿易代理、專利、獎勵、 公共服務、租稅優惠、補助、融資和風險性資金十三項政府政策工具對Porter鑽石體系( 國家產業環境)之生產要素和需求條件二構面有所貢獻。而在IC產業體系建立的擴散階段( 1980年∼1988年)計有研究機構、合約研究、教育、訓練、資訊、貿易代理、專利、獎勵 、公共服務、租稅優惠、補助、融資和風險性資金十三項政府政策工具對Porter鑽石體系 之生產要素、需求條件和相關與支援產業三構面有所貢獻。至於在IC產業出現主力產品的 穩定階段(1989 年~)計有研究機構、合約研究、教育、訓練、資訊、貿易代理、專利、獎 勵、公共服務、租稅優惠和風險性資金、經濟管制、技術管制、貿易管制、外資管制等十 六項政府政策工具對Porter鑽石體系之生產要素、需求條件、相關與支援產業和企業策略 企業結構同業競爭四構面有所貢獻,故IC產業目前成為我國主要之明星產業。藉由本分析 模式的提出及分析成果的呈現,可作為政府在制訂產業科技政策時之參考依據,使產業政 策得以與產業結構特性相配合,將國家資源作最有效的分配與利用,以充分提升我國產業 競爭環境之優勢,及民間企業科技研發實力。 The thesis entails a study of impacts of government policy on the develpmentof This thesis entails a study of impacts of government policy on the development of Taiwan's IC industry, exploring the interdependence betweenthe policy inst ruments and critical factors responsible for industrial competitiveness. A mod el was developed to assess the interdependence withinwhich Porter's Diamond Sy stem is adopted to represent the national competitiveness for the IC industry. There are four key elements in the diamond system, namely, factor conditions , Demand conditions, Related and supporting industries,and Firm's strategy, st ructure, and rivalry. It also is assumed that the function of government poli cy is to facilitate the development of these four elements, which are the crit ical factors leading to the competitiveness of nation's industry, strengthenin g and crafting the development of the indigenous industry.There are three step s in the development of Taiwan's IC industry, namely theseed, the diffusion, a nd the stable stages. In the seed stage (1974-1979) ,there are 13 policy inst ruments contributing to the developments of factor conditions and demand condi tions of the industry. In the diffusion stage (1980-1988), there also are 13 policy instruments contributing to the developments of factor conditions, dema nd conditions, and related and supporting industries of the industry. In the s table stage (1989∼present ),there are 16 policy instruments responsible for c ontributing to the developments all the four elements in the diamond system. B ecause of the national competitiveness of the diamond system in the globel mar ket, Taiwanese firms now enjoy stable growth in terms of industrial output and developments of related industries.zh_TW
dc.subjectCompetitive Advantageen_US
dc.titleA Study of Impacts of Government Policy on the Development of Taiwan's IC Industryen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis