Title: 我國金融業之智慧型網路服務購買行為研究
A Study on Taiwan Financial Firms' Purchasing Behaviors of Intelligent Network Services
Authors: 蘇憲奇
Su, Sheng-Chi
Quang-Hua Chen
Hsiao-Cheng Yu
Keywords: 智慧型網路;組織購買行為;金融業者;Intelligent Network;organizational purchasing behaviors;financial firms
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: 摘要 智慧型網路(IN)是將電腦資料庫查詢的功能與公眾電話網路結合,使得電信網
務的購買行為,藉以供電信業者擬定IN行銷規劃之參考。本研究以Choffray & Lilien之
Abstract Intelligent Network (IN) is PSTN integrated with computer database que
ry technologies . The intelligence in the database makes each call routing mor
e flexible . New and advanced services features can thus be offered . This the
sis looked into the IN service purchasing behaviors of Taiwan financial compan
ies. The objective was to provide marketing and strategic recommendations to t
elecommunications carriers . The framework of this study was based on the ind
ustrial market - response model of both J. M. Choffray and G. L. Lilien . and
proceeds to an questionnaire research for financial firms . It was to analyze
how they are affected in the phase of the recognition , interest , evaluation
and adoption of IN services .The findings of this research include : the organ
izational buying behavior was affected by the following factors : information
sources , IN services items , characteristics of IN services , organizational
requirements , environmental constraints and company-specific factors . The te
lecommunications trade journals are the best ways of promoting to the financia
l firms. The financial firms are most interested in the Automatic Recall featu
re of all IN services. The most appreciated IN characteristics assessed by fin
ancial firms is After-Sales Services . This research recommended marketing str
ategies to increase the financial firms' recognition , interest , evaluation a
nd adoption of IN services . Keyword : Intelligent Network , organizational pu
rchasing behaviors , financial firms .
Appears in Collections:Thesis