Title: 台灣印刷電路板產業之組織經營與競爭策略研究
The Study of Organization Operation and Competition Strategy of Taiwan PCB Industry
Authors: 黃進華
Huang, Chin-Hua
Shang-Jyh Liu
Keywords: 印刷電路板;競爭策略;組織經營;PCB;Competition Strategy;Organization Operation
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: 過去三十年間,台灣印刷電路板業者努力不懈,改進製程技術,提升產品 品質,強化企業管理、結合台灣電子產業共同努力,成功地將台灣帶上國 際舞台,更使台灣印刷電路板總產值及總產量均高居世界第三,對台灣經 濟發展實在功不可沒。目前,印刷電路板面臨生產技術的變革,如何因應 當前局勢的丕變,掌握時代的脈動,化不確定性因素為成長的助力,實是 印刷電路板業當前最重要的課題。 本研究綜合環境、組織與策略的架構,整理出印刷電路板產業經營與 企業活動的雙三角分析模式。產業為主軸分析環境、產業型態與策略之間 的關係。再觀察產業中主要一些公司的經營方式,以了解在相同產業環境 下,會因公司的經營組織型態與策略的不同,而有不一樣的境遇。最後以 賽局理論整理出的競合分析模式,利用其分析要素配合價值網提出下列的 競爭策略分析。 1. 改變範疇-廠商借上市上櫃籌措資金,擴廠搶佔市場;或讓財團 介入引進資金,擴大生產規模;也有廠商赴大陸投資,擴建經營版圖。 2. 利用戰術-利用台灣已成資訊電子用電路板生產大國;並與週邊 完整的配合產業群集。產生交貨迅速、價格合理、品質優良的專業製造廠 商的專業形象來吸引客戶。 3. 增加附加價值-發展新技術與新材料增加附加價值;並與與台灣 資訊電子產業結合,建立顧客忠誠度與防止其他人模仿的策略。 4. 改變賽局規則-與國際知名電子大廠,建立密切合作關係;與上 、下游及週邊產業策略聯盟,鞏固供需體系。 During the last thirty tears, Taiwan's PCB industries have evolved from improving the processing technology and production quality into enhancing the industrial networking and internationalization. The revolution of technology and constantly changing environment furnish a challenge to the Taiwan's PCB industry. This research develops an integrative aspect of environment, organization, and strategy into an analytic model of a double triad to analyze the PCB industry and corporation activities. With the industrial analysis as the kernel, the industrial operating model and the relationship among the environmental, organizational, and strategic factors are analyzed and studied. It is found that under similar industrial environment, companies perform differently while using various organization management style and 1. Changing the scopes of competition: PCB-manufacturing firms attract more capital investment via stock markets or invite many venture capitals by other enterprise groups to enlarge their production scales. Meanwhile, quite a few companies extend their production base in the mainland China. 2. Establishing tactical advantages: Taiwan's PCB industry can take advantage of the well-established infrastructures of semiconductors and PC industries to enhance their competitiveness in terms of fast delivery, cost leadership and distinguished quality. 3. Increasing and highlighting the added-values: to develop new process and material technologies, to strengthen the linkages among the electronic-associated industries, to build up the customer loyalty, as well as to enlarge the leading edges, are the emerging added-values that may lead Taiwan's PCB industry to be of new competitive advantages. 4. Changing the game rules: It is expected that the newly emerged product channeling of global logistics and build to order (BTO) require the PCB firms to make further ties with multinational firms and their industrial alliances.
Appears in Collections:Thesis