Title: 虛擬實境在網路學習環境之研究:以健康教育為例
Designing a VRML Learning Environment:The Case of Health Education
Authors: 蔡秀菲
Tsai, Hsiu-Fei
周 倩
Chien Chou
Keywords: 虛擬實境;網際網路;健康教育;多媒體;Virtual Reality;VR;VRML;Internet;Multimedia;Health Education
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: 本研究的目的在於將VRML系統的特性、空間認知學習原理以及WWW教材之 設計原則相結合,發展一具高度互動性的VRML學習環境,並檢視VRML的教 學模式的可行性及其教學效果。研究中首先根據文獻的分析,整理出WWW 教材的系統化設計原則,並探討虛擬實境、VRML與認知與學習理論之相關 文獻。本研究為了解VRML的教學模式的可行性,根據WWW教材之設計要點 ,實際發展一健康教育VRML學習環境,以人體消化系統為教學內容,課程 定名為「跟著食物去旅行」。並從系統介面、課程內容、VRML系統以及使 用者需求與學習成效等面向,進行系統評估。根據評估的結果,本研究有 以下發現:一、VRML之虛擬環境可以引起網路使用者之學習興趣,並能輔 助學習效果。二、在VRML虛擬空間中,使用者確有遊歷的感覺,但無身歷 其境的感覺。三、VRML圖像教材較文字教材能激發學習動機。四、VRML系 統中之動態功能可幫助一般使用者在虛擬空間中學習。五、使用者態度之 差異將會影響學習成效。六、真實性與美觀性必須取得平衡;並針對使用 者需求決定課程內容難易度。 The purpose of this study is to integrate the characteristics of VRML system, spatial perception concept, and design guidelines of Web-based instruction to develop an interactive VRML learning environment. The focus is on the feasibility and learning effect in a VRML teaching and learning system.The study first reviewed the literature on Web-based instruction, virtual reality, VRML, and learning theories. In the study, the design guidelines for a Web-Based Instruction were concluded, and a VRML learning environment prototype about health education was established accordingly. The courseware is entitled "A Trip with the Food." Formative evaluations of this prototype system, courseware content, user's responses were also conducted.The results of formative evaluation indicated that: 1. A VRML learning environment could motivate learners to learn actively on the Internet, and enhance their learning performance. 2. In the VRML system, users had experienced navigation but not immersion. 3. The images and graphics in the VRML courseware content could motivate students more than text-only instruction. 4. The interactions provided by the system could help users learn in the VRML environment. 5. The difference in users' attitude affected the
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