標題: 虛擬實境案例式教學系統於作業環境危害辨識能力訓練之應用
VI Rtual Reality Case-Based Training System for Hazard Identification on Job Site
作者: 曾仁杰
關鍵字: 危害辨識;虛擬實境;案例式教學;融入式遊戲;VR;hazard identification;case-based training;immersing virtual reality;virtual environment
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 職業災害致使人員傷亡、財物損失並降低產能,故國內大專院校職業安全衛生相關系所皆將安全衛生教育訓練視為重要培訓項目,其中勞動檢查由於能有效辨識職災危害因子,進而予以排除或控制危害,成效最為顯著。唯國內現行相關教育訓練目前仍以課堂講授為主,缺乏現場實境的演練,以致對於危害辨識能力之培養有限。 工地現場由於都已依規定通過檢查,少有危害因子的存在,因此於現行課程中導入現場訪視仍無法有效讓學員進行實地危害辨視之訓練及體驗。虛擬實境可依教學需求建立各種擬真之安衛教學情境,讓學生在安全的環境下進行各項實習訓練,排除真實訓練之危險性,並可讓使用者重覆進行教育訓練,大幅節省訓練時間及成本。 本研究藉由融入式虛擬實境及遊戲引導之教學模式,提供學員主動式、參與式及探索式之學習體驗,以提升學習意願及興趣,進而增進危害辨識及安衛管控之學習成效。首先,針對國內安衛管理常見之缺失,探討教學情境及實務教學需求,建立虛擬安衛情境架構並開發符合國內安衛實務之虛擬實境案例,進而建立教學模式及教學系統,針對虛擬實境之教學方式進行教學實驗,評估學生學習成效及學習滿意度。另外,並進行專家訪談,探討虛擬實境輔助安衛教育訓練之適用性,瞭解未來實務應用推廣時可能遭遇到的障礙及改善對策,並依專家建議修正教學系統。最後針對教學系統進行教學適用性及效益整合評估。
Occupational accidents cause human injuries and death, cost increase, and loss of assets and production. The training on occupational or industrial safety and health has been an important subject in professional higher education, especially in vocational or technical universities. Among the prevention actions, work place inspection is usually considered as one of the most effective measure to prevent hazards. However, the current training of inspectors or students in general still relies on lectures to provide them with the knowledge on safety management, regulation, and past accidental cases. One may include visits of job site as part of the training program. However, most job sites have to abide by regulations and thus rarely hazards can be found. Virtual reality provides the feasibility of creating various types of job sites depending on the training objectives for different professional trades (e.g., construction sites, chemical factory), and allow students to learn by experiencing in a safe environment. Benefits of reduced cost and risk of job site visits, and easy repetitive learning are also expected. This research proposes a new teaching approach that incorporates immersing virtual reality to provide active and participating learning experience. First, industrial cases will be collected and carefully studied, and virtual 3D cases that accommodate the common hazards found in the reported accidents will be built. We will also conduct an experiment to investigate the learning satisfactions and effects, and the strengths and weaknesses of the proposed teaching approach. Experts' opinions will also be solicited to understand the implementation obstacles in the universities as well as the industry.
官方說明文件#: NSC101-2511-S009-009
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/97675