標題: 應用虛擬實境於營造工地危害辨識教學
Training of Potential Hazard Identification on Construction Site Using Virtual Reality
作者: 張瑞娜
Chang, Rui-Na
Dzeng, Ren-Jye
關鍵字: 虛擬實境;危害辨識;工地安全;教育訓練;學習成效;Virtual reality;Identification potential hazard;Site safety;Education training;Learning effectiveness
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 在勞委會彙整之民國97~99年國內營造業重大職災實例中,因危害辨識能力不足導致災害發生之比例約占23%。若在安衛教育時針對危害辨識進行訓練,相信能降低四分之一的職災發生。傳統安衛課程習於講述法與紙筆測驗,缺乏互動性也不易具體化;實習課程或現地參觀為安全考量,授課單位皆將環境中潛藏危害事先排除,亦難以提升受訓者危害辨識能力。使用虛擬實境之技術,可提供受訓人員一個可融入的且含潛藏危害的虛擬場景,除讓受訓人員有身歷其境的體驗外,更可免除真實訓練的危險性,讓受訓者在安全的擬真訓練環境中,進行重複性的危害辨識訓練。 本研究模擬潛藏各種危害之虛擬營造工地,設立危害情境互動機制與計分機制,建置出主動式、參與式及探索式之虛擬營造工地危害辨識訓練環境。虛擬實境教材以勞委會彙整之營造業重大職災案例為基礎,建置出潛藏墜落、滾落、物體崩塌等發生機率較高之危害形態情境於虛擬營造工地。透過主動式探索與觀察,受訓者可了解並學習到危害辨識知識,達到教育訓練之目的。本研究將虛擬實境融入危害辨識教育訓練中並設計實驗教學,實驗教學分傳統教學(控制組)與虛擬實境教學(實驗組),最後透過測驗與問卷,評估學習成績及學習滿意度。
Based on the construction accidents reported by the Council of Labor Affairs (CLA), approximately 23% of construction accidents could be attributed to inability to identify work hazards. Traditional safety training focuses on lectures and exam tests, and lacks of interactivity and reality. Site visits, while providing real site experience, for safety reasons also often lacks the opportunity to observe potential work hazards. Virtual reality (VR) technique allows trainees to immerse in a virtual environment with designed work hazards, and thus provides them with realistic and interactive experience in hazard identification training with the exposure to hazards. This research creates an interactive virtual construction site where users can walk through the site and identify the various types of work hazards that collected based on the CLA’s critical construction accidents reports. An experiment with two groups of students participated were also conducted to compare the learning effectiveness, motivation, and satisfaction between the traditional teaching and the VR-based teaching.


  1. 652901.pdf

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