Title: 設計與製作一個容易使用且高效率的物件導向式資料庫(EODB)
Design and Implementation of An Easy-to-Use and Efficient Object-Oriented Database (EODB)
Authors: 潘文偉
Pan, Wen-wei
Yang, Wei-pang
Keywords: 物件導向資料庫;物件導向資料模型;物件導向查詢語言;物件導向查詢語言最佳化;object-oriented databases;object-oriented data model;object-oriented query language;object-oriented query optimization
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: EODB為在國立交通大學資訊科學研究所發展物件導向資料庫,它的目的在
念是EQL和V-R Model。EQL為一個非常易於使用的物件導向查詢語言,其
使用者可能會有興趣的部份綱要。V-R Model定義了一個抽象的物件導向
料庫景觀機制,V-R Model設計了一種特別的方法去描述物件與類別的關
係,允許一個物件可同時屬於多個類別。利用此特性與V-R Model的封閉
EODB is an object-oriented database developed at the National
Chiao Tung University. It intends to be an easy-to-use and
efficient object-oriented database system. Two new ideas are
proposed to implement EODB. First, Easy Query Language (EQL) is
a query language designed to provide users an easy-to-use
inquiry tool. One approach to achieving this goal is to allow
users to express queries directly with whatever knowledge they
have, and without knowing the database schema. The other
approach is to give users an interactive inquiry environment in
which to build queries. Pursuing the first approach, we propose
an EQL naming mechanism and four levels of EQL query resolution
that serve to bridge knowledge gaps between EQL queries and
database schema. Pursuing the second approach, our EQL user
interface is designed to automatically provide helpful
information to users constructing queries.Secondly, the model of
view classes and real-world objects (V-R model) is a model of
database's kernel at the conceptual level of abstraction. The
major goal of the V-R model is to support updatable views
efficiently for the object-oriented database systems. The V-R
model elaborates a special method to describe the instance-of
relationship between stored objects and classes, so that a
stored object can be the instance of several classes
simultaneously. Query results and views can be managed like
classes without creating temporary objects or tuples, since the
V-R model is closed against query operations. In this way,
updates on views can be supported easily. Besides, the update
semantics is explored in depth. Based on the V-R model, a more
eligible translation is proposed for the updates on classes with
or without inheritance relationships and for the updates on
views. Several implementation techniques about EODB are
discussed too.
Appears in Collections:Thesis