标题: 低温化银电极膏制备与高频应用之研究
Preparation and High-frequency Application of Low-temperature-curing Silver Paste
作者: 林鸿钦
Hong-ching Lin
林 鹏
Pang Lin
Sea-Fue Wang
关键字: 低温;油墨;高频;导电;conductive;high-frequency;low temperature;paste
公开日期: 2007
摘要: 本论文研究分别以草酸银和氧化银做为诱发金属有机银盐类 ( Metallo- Organic Decomposition, MOD ) 的反应剂,以高速混合机及三轴滚轮进行混合及分散等来制备金属银膏。银膏之烧附条件可藉由草酸银和氧化银的添加而降低金属有机银盐类产生热裂解反应 ( Thermal Decomposition Reaction )的温度,并使金属有机银盐类与添加剂还原形成奈米金属银后形成金属膜。
本研究针对所制备出之金属膜层进行分析与研究,藉由热重分析 ( Thermogravimetric analysis, TGA)、热差分析 ( Differential thermal analysis, DTA) 与 ( Derivative thermogravimetry, DTG)等,探讨不同反应剂对金属有机银盐类之热裂解反应,并藉由扫瞄式电子显微镜 ( SEM )分析金属膜之微结构及烧附现象,透过动态流变仪( Stress and Strain Rheometers ) 量测之黏弹性行为 ( Viscoelasticity ) 探讨不同反应剂于膏体中之各项流变特性等。针对其中分布均匀性与触媒反应特性最好之氧化银反应剂进行成份及热裂解反应等深入之探讨与研究,找寻出最佳之组合量。研究中更针对高温、低温烧附行为之金属膜层的高频阻抗特性进行深入研究与比较。并初步完成滤波器元件特性,后续将针对低温高频元件进行研究。
In this study, at first, focus on the effect of silver oxalate addition on physical characteristics of metallo-organic-decomposition (MOD) silver screen-printable paste for thick film technology. The addition of silver oxalate in the paste not only produces fresh fine silver particles after curing, but also reduces the decomposition temperature of the lubricant coated on the silver flakes. This is an effective route to provide fine silver particles to the paste without significantly changing the rheological behavior.
Then, the next study focus on paste formulations containing silver oxide coated with MOD (metallo-organic decomposition) agent of silver stearate were prepared without the use of any silver powders or silver flakes. The lowest electrical resistivity of 13.2x10-6 □-cm was obtained for the film prepared from paste with the Ag2O/silver stearate ratio of 100:5 at a solid loading of 80wt% in solvent α-terpineol, after being cured at 160□C for 5min, which meets the requirements of low-temperature and high speed manufacturing for practical applications. Co-existence of the Ag2O and silver stearate induces their simultaneous transformation to the silver form at temperatures below 160□C.
The electrical properties of silver films, prepared using a low-curing-temperature metallo-organic-decomposition (MOD) paste and a high-temperature silver paste screen-printed on polished and nonpolished alumina substrates, at microwave frequency were characterized in this study. At last, to evaluate RF electrical properties between low-temperature-curing and high-temperature silver paste, multilayered structure and the low-temperature co-fired ceramic technology are employed to design and fabricate the filter.


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