標題: WebCAT*--一個多伺服器的電腦輔助測驗系統
WebCAT*--A Web-centric Multi-server Computer Assisted Testing System
作者: 吳文鐘
Wu, Wen-Chung
Lin Ying-Dar
關鍵字: 電腦輔助測驗;Computer Assisted Testing
公開日期: 1997
摘要: 由於網際網路的蓬勃發展,使得人與人之間的距離大為縮短;而其中 又以遠距教學的可行性令人感到振奮。為了能有效評估學生的學習成效, 本篇論文建立了一個遠距合作的多重題庫、電腦輔助測驗系統--WebCAT* 。 WebCAT* 是一個結合全球資訊網、資料庫系統及網際網路的多伺服 器系統:所有的考題皆存放在每個伺服器的資料庫,使用者可透過瀏覽器 經由網際網路存取這些題目;而各個伺服器上的題庫是可以彼此之間共享 的。題庫上的每個考題皆有難度指數、所屬科目等屬性,當要產生一份考 卷時,可定規格指定範圍及最高/最低難度,系統便會自目前所有可供使 用的題庫中以隨機方式拮取題目。本系統具備三大特點:多重題庫分享、 考題即時產生及結果交叉分析。 在本論文的最後,將以一個英文測驗 的實際例子來作為總結,而透過網路進行考試的可行性也會一併討論。 The distance between different individuals has been reduced dramatically due to the development of the Internet. One of the exciting things is that it makes distance learning possible. Being able to evaluate the performance of the students, a distant cooperative multi-testbase, computer assisted testing system over Internet--WebCAT* is developed in this study. The WebCAT* is a Web-centric, multi-server system that combines the WWW, database and Internet together: all test items are stored in database located at each CAT server; users can access these materials via the Internet through a Web browser. The testbases of these CAT servers can be shared among each other in a way transparent to end users. Each test items in the WebCAT* is associated with degree of difficulty, domain and testbase it belongs to. Upon test generation, a test specification with test domain and max/min degree of difficulty is given to generate the test. A test has its items grabbed at random from all the available testbases automatically according to the specification. There are three major characteristics of this system: multi-testbase sharing, real-time test generation and result cross-analysis. A case study using English exam with text and audio test items as an example is given at the end of this thesis. Feasibility of test-over-network is also discussed.
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