標題: 小波熱輻射傳導法與其在虛擬實境之應用
Wavelet Radiosity and Its Application in Virtual Reality
作者: 蔡大尤
Tsai, Ta-Yu
Zen-Chung Shih
關鍵字: 小波;熱輻射傳導法;wavelet;radiosity
公開日期: 1997
摘要: 小波理論在電腦圖學和影像處理上的應用十分廣泛, 尤其是在壓縮和階 層式表式. 而熱輻射傳導法是電腦圖學中重要的描繪方法, 其優點是能產 生逼真的影像, 但是計算非常耗時, 有鑑於此, 我們引入一種方法, 以簡 化熱輻射傳導法的龐大運算. 在這篇論文中, 我們利用小波理論適於壓縮 的特性, 降低運算的複雜度, 再利用其階層式的特性, 有效地把熱輻射傳 導法計算出來的結果, 展現於虛擬實境之上 Wavelet theory is a powerful tool in computer graphics and image processing.It has already been used in compression, multi- resolution, level of detail, etc.Radiosity is an important rendering method in computer graphics. Its view- independentproperty fulfills the requirements of virtual reality. "Wavelet radiosity" combinesthe theory of wavelet and radiosity algorithm. In this thesis, we study the basictheory of wavelet radiosity abd apply to the virtual reality application.