Title: | 台灣高科技業者網路採購之研究 The key Success Factors of High-Tech Company Procurement via Internet Auction |
Authors: | 葉貞枝 Chen-Chih Yeh 虞孝成 Hsiao-Cheng Yu 管理學院科技管理學程 |
Keywords: | 網路競標;電子商務;電子市集;Internet auction;Electronic Commerce;Electronic Markets |
Issue Date: | 2003 |
Abstract: | 近年來透過網際網路所建立的電子商務活動急遽增加,尤其在供應鏈上的電子採購成為一項重要的應用,電子化採購對企業的重要性主要在於企業的生存競爭與電子採購的效益。為了讓電子採購效益極大化,在資訊科技進步的推波助瀾下,網路競標成為下一波趨勢。 採購人員透過網路競標的方式可以進一步達到降低採購商品成本、改善議價效率及讓採購流程更加透明化。從文獻探討的觀點來看,過去諸多先進對於網路拍賣制度、電子市集、電子化採購等諸多電子商務議題相關的探討,但大多集中在如何根據不同的型態對採購行為的影響;這些研究報告的結果彌足珍貴,對於日後有心經營電子商務的採購部門而言,非常具有參考的價值,但是訴諸過去所有文獻,對於如何針對高科技業採購人員使用網路競標因素如: 適合網路競標的商品特色、不適合網路競標的商品特色、其企業推行網路競標的內部動機動與企業推行網路競標的外在環境,建立使用網路競標決策的模式,並評估其影響因素的文獻,則付之闕如。本研究經由問卷調查後,篩選出17項評量準則,並以此來進行高科技業採購人員屬性分析。基於本研究問題的性質及資料來源,研究方法採用因子分析及群落分析。研究結果顯示17項評量準則可收斂成6項因子,並求得17項評量準則6項因子負荷量,並進行高科技業採購人員的群落分析,依據採購人員的因子得點共計區分為5群。根據每一群落採購人員的屬性不同其影響因素準則而有所差異提出建議,以做為有心作網路競標廠商之參考依據。 The growth of e-commerce over the Internet has fostered interest in e-procurement by high-tech companies. Benefits of procurement via Internet auction include: reducing transaction costs, increasing price negotiation efficiency and making procurement process fair and transparent. Most literatures addressed the user behavioral issues of e-market place, Internet auction mechanisms, and Internet procurement etc. However, this study focused on the key success factors of an Internet auction procurement system from the standpoint of high-tech companies.Drawing on academic research and practitioners’ experience, we developed a model of 17 potential success factors. Managers from Taiwanese high-tech companies were surveyed about their perceptions on the relative importance of these 17 potential success factors when they consider adopting auction mechanisms over Internet for their procurement needs. Using Factors analysis, the 17 success factors can be aggregated into 6 major groups. Using cluster analysis, all of the responded high-tech company managers can be attributed into 5 clusters. Due to differences in their job functions and responsibilities, managers in different clusters have different concerns in the priority of key success factors for an Internet auction mechanism for procurement. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/62913 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |