標題: 一個由基地台主導適用於多階蜂巢網路的橋接協定
A Base-driven Bridging Protocol for Multihop Cellular Network
作者: 歐陽廣文
Auyang, Kwang-Wen
Ying-Dar Lin
關鍵字: 基地台;橋接協定;多階蜂巢網路;行動手機;base;bridging protocol;multihop cellular network;mobile station
公開日期: 1997
摘要: 隨著無線通訊上頻寬需求的增加,卻因為過高的傳輸功率會傷害人體健康 ,所以傳輸距離將 更為縮小。加上廣為建置基地台的成本過高,多階蜂 巢式網路利用行動手機轉送資料的特性 將為頻寬需求的問題帶來一線曙 光。在本篇論文中,我們提出一個適用於無線多階蜂巢網路 由基地台主 導的路由演算法。在無線多階蜂巢網路架構中,每台行動手機都具有為其 它手機 轉送資料的功能,而且行動手機和基地台的傳輸功率將比現有的 單階蜂巢式網路為低,因而 減小傳輸距離。只要訊號傳輸範圍不互相重 疊干擾,一個細胞 (cell) 內將允許數個連線同 時存在,所以單位時間 內資料傳輸量將會提升。在此路由演算法中,每台行動手機必需定期 發 送 Hello message,內含該手機的 IP Address,Mac Address 以及其他 相關資料。 基地 台收到這些資料後計算出行動手機間的最短傳輸路徑, 再把這些路由訊息傳送給行動手機。 資料封包將順著這些由基地台計算 出的路徑傳送。由於這個無線網路可以是單獨存在的,也 可以透過基地 台和有線網路連結,本篇論文也討論到資料封包進出無線網路的情形。 As we require more bandwidth for wireless communication, the transmission range will decrease in order not to violate the safety limit of radio power. A better solution to the problem seems to utilize the data forwarding functionality of mobile stations under the multihop cellular network architecture. In this paper, we propose a base-driven bridging protocol for the wirless multihop cellular network. Comparing to the traditional cellular netowrk, mobile stations in the multihop cellular environment can forward data for other stations, and less transmission range of both mobile stations and base stations reduces battery consumption. As long as there is no interference or over- lapping, there can be several data connections in one cell at the same time. Therefore, we will have a higher throughput and solve the bandwidth problem. In our proposed bridging protocol, the mobile station must broadcast Hello message which contains its IP address, Mac address and other information periodically. Base stations calculate the shortest paths among mobile staitons and transmits the results to mobile stations. Data frames will then be transmitted following these paths.
Appears in Collections:Thesis