標題: 影像式虛擬環境中透視投影視覺強化之演算法
A Perspective Perception Enhancement Algorithm for Image-Based Virtual Environment
作者: 蔡嘉鴻
Tsai, Gia-Hong
Shih Zen-Chung
關鍵字: 影像式虛擬環境;透視投影;環場影像;Image-Based Virtual Environment;Perspective Projection;Panoramic Image
公開日期: 1997
摘要: 近年來影像式的描繪方式以成為虛擬實境系統中的一門重要技術,它 可以即時產生相片品質的電腦繪圖。然而在所有影像式虛擬環境的系統中 ,都有一個共同的缺點-缺乏透視投影的知覺。由於缺少"深度"的資訊, 使用者在場景中遊走時,通常都不會有真正"浸入"的感覺。在本篇論文中 ,我們將從環場影像中分別把前景物體影像及背景影像分離出來,當使用 者在環境中遊走時,將會察覺到前景物體和背景是分開的,並且產生強烈 的透視投影知覺。 In recent years, image-based rendering becomes an important technique invirtual reality system. It can generate photo- realistic images interactively.Among all image-based virtual environment systems, however, there is one majordeficiency - the lack of perspective perception. Because of the loss of depthinformation, users may not have truly immersive feelings when walkthrough inthe scene. In this thesis, we extract the foreground object images from theoriginal panoramic image. When walking through in the system, users can feelthat the foreground objects are in front of the background, and provideperspective perception more strongly.