Title: | 網際網路使用者的市場區隔---以清、交大學生為例 Market Segmentation of Internet User: The Case of Tsing-Hua, Chiao-Tung Univerersity Studenets |
Authors: | 羅進明 Lo, Jenn-Ming 黃仁宏 Jen-Hung Huang 管理科學系所 |
Keywords: | 網際網路;市場區隔;生活型態;網路行銷;網路使用者;Internet;market segmentation;life style;net marketing;Internet user |
Issue Date: | 1997 |
Abstract: | 近年來,網際網路的使用儼然已成為一種風潮,各個公司企業行號, 運用網路來做行銷或廣告的作法,已漸的流行,而為了有效掌握網路族群 的消費市場及獲取商機,實有必要針對行銷對象,做最佳之行銷資源分配 ,而傳統之市場區隔化理論,即是一般在進行目標行銷時,最為行銷人員 接受的觀念,本研究即是應用此傳統的區隔理論,試圖對現有的網路使用 者,依其一般的生活型態做區隔,並就其在一些相關的描述變數上加以分 析,期能提供企業界在擬訂網路行銷策略時之參考使用。本研究以清華、 交通兩所大學的在學學生為抽樣對象,利用網路問卷的方式達到資料收集 的目的,透過對資料的整理分析,可將清、交二校的網路使用者分成五個 集群,分別是「傳統保守型」、「自我充實型」、「獨立自主型」、「理 性消費型」、以及「樂觀外向型」等五個群,各集群在人口統計變數上而 言,在性別、年齡、所就讀系所、住宿情形、打工情形、以及生活開銷方 面均有差異;使用動機方面,各集群在追求新知因素一項具有顯著差異; 至於使用型態方面,在使用頻率、時間、功能、使用的資訊、及訊息來源 等項,具有顯著差異;而使用態度方面,則在時尚流行因素上,各群具有 差異;此外,對於網路線上購物消費,各集群的使用者除大多未曾線上購 物外,願意消費額度方面,並無顯著差異,消費時主要考量因素中,價格 及沒看到實物不放心等,在各群間有顯著差異;而可以和廠商互動及方便 作產品比較等,則是各集群使用者對網路行銷的看法上,有明顯差異的二 項。經由研究結果發現,為因應網際網路時代的來臨,各公司企業,事實 上還有很多可努力處,對於此一行銷利器,若能有效的加以掌握,則必能 取得競爭之優勢。 In recent years, the use of Internet seems to be a fashion. It becomes more and more popular for enterprises to make use of web for marketing and advertising. In order to grasp the commercial chance, it is necessary to find the best way for marketing resources distribution according to marketing subjects. Generally speaking, the traditional market segmentation theory is widely accepted by most effect sales in promoting target marketing. This research tries to apply it to the current Internet users and divides them into groups of study according to their ordinarily life styles then analyzes their relatively descriptive variables to offer references to enterprises when they are mapping out plans for Internet marketing. This sampling study is based on the Internet users of Tsing-Hua, Chiao-Tung University and through web questionnaire to collect data. After analysis, the ordinarily life style of those Internet users can be divided into five groups: "traditional and conservative", "self-fulfilling", "independent and self-supporting", "reasoning consuming", and "optimistic and outgoing". The demographic of each groups differ according to sex, age, field of study, habitation, working, and living expenses. For motivation of using Internet, the five groups of users havegreat differences on their enthusiasm of pursuing new information. For the styles of usage, they make great differences on frequency, duration, function, and types of information. For the habit of usage, they vary by levels of faddish attraction. Other than these, on the item of Internet shopping, most users haven't had any experience of purchasing through Internet and there is nogreat differences on the amount of money which they are willing to invest on Internet shopping. Facing Internet shopping, price and quality of the unseen product are the two main concerns of the prospective shoppers. Responding to Internet marketing, the prospective shoppers of different groups are various ontwo aspects: interactive with enterprises and convenience of comparison betweenproducts. Out of the result of this research, I find that, facing the coming Internet shopping period, enterprises, in fact, still have much to do about Internet marketing. If any company can explore this effective soliciting tool well, it can certainly be more competitive advantage. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/63070 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |