Title: 員工與顧客滿意度對國內航空服務業經營績效影響之研究
The Impact of Employees' and Customers' Satisfaction on the Operations Performance of Taiwan's Domestic Airliners
Authors: 蘇民
Wu Yuan-Gong
Keywords: 服務-績效鏈;航空服務業;員工滿意度;顧客滿意度;經營績效;service-profit chain;airlines'service;employee satisfaction;customer satisfaction;operation performance
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: 摘要:1980年代以後,由於自由經濟之起飛,市場進入障礙漸漸解除,消 費者對各項商品選擇空間漸廣,因此對於商品品質之要求亦愈形嚴苛;企 業經理們為增加競爭力,在其管理作為上已由高度追求獲利,轉化為將顧 客與員工放入其管理重心,欲充份掌握,以面對市場瞬息萬變之挑戰。尤 其「服務-績效鏈」(Service-Profit Chain)觀念之提出,充份表達了 員工及顧客之滿意度與公司經營績效間之必然關係。民國七十六年,國內 空運市場隨開放天空政策而開放,因經濟成長而致運輸量能需求之殷切、 陸運品質日趨惡化、藍色走廊(海運)之開發又未見其皮)信]素,促使國 內航空市場快速成長,發展至八十六年達到高峰,客運量平均年成長率均 達20%。在航空公司方面,民國七十六年以前,僅有中華及遠東二家航空 公司經營本島航線,永興及台灣二家航空公司經營離島航線,由民國八十 四年起經營國內航線之航空公司已有中華、遠東、復興、國華、台灣、立 榮、大華、瑞聯及長榮等九家航空公司。然而現階段國內航空市場之成長 已趨緩和,乘載率因各公司量能之不斷擴充而趨漸下降,政府雖於八十五 年十二月宣布不再同意申請設立新公司,以避免惡性競爭導致飛安品質之 下降,亦無法抑制市場白熱化之競爭情況。本研究利用「服務-績效鏈」 之觀念對於競爭激烈之國內航空服務業做一實証性研究,試圖探討此一觀 念套用於國內航空業之適切性,以及在嚴苛的競爭環境下,如何創造企業 內部及外部之競爭力。經以問卷方式蒐集各航空公司員工滿意度資料164 份與顧客滿意度資料428份,並利用各公司85年財務報表加以統計分析, 獲得諸多員工、顧客滿意度與公司經營績效三者間關係互動之結論,謹提 供主管機關及國內民航服務業經營管理之參考。 Abstract After 1980s, due to economy of free enterprises, the obstacle to enter into a market gets less severe. The customer* s freedom of choice to select a commercial product has become broader. Therefore, the demands for product quality by customer get higher. In order to increase company*s□信petitiveness, the managers have changed their management from solely profit oriented to customer and employee centered management. The managers want to get a firm grip of customer and employee in order to face the challenge in a rapid changing market. Especially, the concept of Service-Profit Chain was brought out to fully express the essential relation between company*s operation and the satisfaction of employee and customer. In 1987, the domestic airline*s market was then open. Accompanied by Taiwan*s economic growth, the demand of having a larger transportation capacity was getting higher. The quality of land transport was poor and sea transport was not yet developed to see its benefits. Therefore, starting in 1988, Taiwan*s air transport grew rapidly and had reached to peak in 1997. The passenger flights grow on an average of 20% annually. Before 1987, there were only China Airlines and FAT two companies running Taiwan*s flights and Formosa and Taiwan Airlines running offshore island flights. In 1995, the domestic airline expanded to 9 companies. The domestic market growth had slowed down and the passenger rate of flights gradually also went down because of expanding capacity by airlines. Although the government had stopped to accept new application for domestic airliners in order to avoid inferior competition to cause below standard air safety quality. However, this did not stop furious competition in domestic market. This study uses Service-Profit Chain concept to make a verification work on services of domestic airlines, tries to find the applicability of this new concept to the domestic airlines, and study how to create enterprise*s internal and external competitiveness under a high competition environment. By questionnaires, the response data from customer and employee were collected and analyzed with statistic tool to obtain meaningful conclusions in order to provide both the government and domestic airlines a reference for their management operation.
Appears in Collections:Thesis