標題: 台電負載管理措施的研擬觀點:釐清與檢討
The Underlying Concepts of Taipower's Load Management Programs: Clarification and Assessment
作者: 林素真
Lin, Su-Chen
Charng-Horng Hsieh
關鍵字: 負載管理;負載控制;需求面管理;系統觀念;目標;規劃;Load Management;Load Control;Demand-Side Management;System View;Objectives;Planning
公開日期: 1997
摘要: "負載管理"乃電業對用戶用電時間及數量的影響及控制, 常被當作電業 相關問題的萬靈丹, 台電積極推行各項負載管理措施近二十年, 但是仍無 顯著的效果亦缺乏信心, 是否相關人員對負載管理的基本觀念, 執行方法 的認知不足, 不清楚或不一致所導致? 因此探討措施背後研擬觀點之清楚 度與正確性, 做為負載管理相關措施有效規劃的參考. 台電負 載管理措施主要引進自國外, 因此整理國外有關負載管理文獻, 另以系統 觀念建立電業的運轉與發展架構, 探討負載管理措施在電業系統不同的規 劃層次中合理的目標及作為. 再按台電各負載管理措施目標訂定, 與電價 相關措施的研擬觀點二項議題, 分別做釐清與檢討. 研究結論的要點有下 列三點: 1.電業負載管理措 施的目標係隨環境情境而異. 措施的研擬應同時考慮電業與用戶的特性 , 供需變異性及調整性. 2.以系統觀念來看電業的運轉與發展, 負載管理措施合理的目標在電業系 統不同的規劃層 次中有不同的層級目標. 3.台電較欠缺研擬負載管理措施有效觀點, 包括為何實施負載管理, 負載 管理在電業的角 色等基本的觀點, 因此負載管理措施的實施成效無法呈 顯. 綜合上述要點, 本研究所提之概念, 可 提供研擬與執行台電負載管理措施規劃之參考. "Load Management, LM" the influence and control of the time and amount of customer loads by the electric utilities, was considered as the panacea for the problems of electric industry. However, Taipower's LM programs did not achieve significant and satisfactory effects although it has been promoting the programs for nearly 20 years. Should the reasons be unclear or inconsistent LM concepts of relative persons? The purpose of this paper is to clarify the underlying concepts of Taipower's LM porgrams and to serve as references for Taipowers program planning. Since most of Taipower's LM programs came from foreign utilities, the study began with reviewing literature relating to LM, such as IEEE Jouanl, Energy Policy, EPRI Journal, etc. The general operating and develloping framework was then constructed with system view to define the reasonable objectives and daily operations of LM programs in different levels of utility's planning. Finally, the underlying concepts of Taipower's LM objectives and tariff relating to LM were clarified and assessed. The conclusions were as follows:1.The objectives of LM depend on the environment of utilities. Therefore, the characteristics of the utilities and their customers, the variation of power supply and demand and the possibility of readjustment should be considered when planning LM programs.2.Constructing the general operating and developingframework of utilities with system view, reasonable objectives and daily opeations of LM programs should be included in different levels of utility'splanning.3.Lack of the underlying concepts of why and what to perform LM, Taipower's LM programs cannot be successfully and effectively implemented. The concepts of this paper will be of much benefit to the planning and implementation of Taipower's LM programs.