標題: 利用低速電力線技術建置校園安全與負載管理機制
Utilize the communication technology of low speed power line to construct the system of campus security and load administrative department
作者: 李自忠
Tzu-Chung Lee
張 翼
Dr. Yi Chang
關鍵字: 電力線通訊;Power Line Communication
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 建置校園安全與負載管理機制,係結合安全系統及電力監控系統兩大系統,主要通訊方式電力線通訊(Power Line Communication),智慧型網路分散式架構集中式管理,以既有電力線作為傳輸媒體,以AMR組件作為校園安全系統及負載管理設備直接控制單元,建置校園安全系統並衍生附加價值產品,控制數量龐大小型負載設備控制機制,同時實現校園安全及負載管理目的,達成校園安全無死角及抑制尖峰需量降低單位用電成本目標。 本研究將以工研院研發電子電表(AMR)元件,經由低速率電力線載波技術,整合校園安全系統及電力監控系統,針對(校園安全與負載管理機制)提出構想及實現方案,並以學生宿舍及教學大樓作為實施標的並分析兩者不同性質館舍結果,提出低速電力線傳輸技術應用在安全系統及負載管理系統上差異性及改善建議。
In order to establish the mechanism of campus security and loading management, it is critical to combine the security system and the electric monitor system. The main communication method is Power Line Communication and Intelligent Network which is dispersing framework and centralizing management. It utilizes the existing power lines as transmitting media and uses AMR components to be the direct control unit to establish campus security system and derives additional value products. In addition, it controls a great quantity of controlling mechanism of small-scale loading equipment, and makes the purpose of campus security and electric loading management to be realized. It will reach the purpose of an no danger area campus and suppressing the quantity of peak demand for electric and lowering down the cost of power consuming per unit. This research will utilize ARM components developed by Industrial Technology Research Institute, by using the low speed power lines signal carrier technology, combining the security system of campus and power monitoring system. In addition, submit doable proposals and put it into practice in students’ dormitories and buildings on campus. Then, analyze the results of the two kinds buildings. In this paper, it is shown that low speed power line transmitting technology applying to the security system and loading management , and providing suggestion for improvement.


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